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Thinking about Psionics (again)

The Advanced Talent of out of Body Experience (Psion pg 64-65)allows a Psion's psyche travel to locations with their mind. They can look around but not interact.

This, to me, is a great recon tool for a Psion. Scouting an area looking for someone. It offers a level of stealth that is tough to beat, except for the risk of a Psionically aware target.

My question. If the Psion 'walks' into a room and finds the person they were looking for, and the Psion decides to target that person with a telepathic power. Is the range from the Body of the Psion back in their room, or the Psyche of the Psion, standing next to the target?

Next question: Assuming they find the person in a house/apartment etc. The Psion returns to their body and returns to normal. Having seen the room, and the person. Would a telepathic power (using the standard range costs), be available to them now?

On the other hand, if you do not know where a person is, can you still contact them Telepathically using the range chart? Example: You know your good friend Bob is in the next city 600 km away. You spend 4 points for range and a couple of points for the power cost, could you either read his surface thoughts, or send him a message?

Can you find someone you have not met? Suppose you have a dossier of information, a picture, name, age, etc. Could you Psionically read their mind at a distance? ("I spend the points and look for The Dread Space pirate Roberts, known to be on the planet right now since his ship is docked. What is he thinking?") The Mindstealer character/Psion rogue is geared for Telepathic mind theft from the Unshielded. How far can they reach. ("I Probe Warren Buffet and look for what Stock he likes today.")

Going back to the scouting with Out of Body and then Telepathy. Could you Probe at a distance and dig for the information you are looking for, even without asking questions? I suppose you could send a message saying "Think about how you turn off the Ship security lockdown protections you have on your spaceship" in order to get the passcodes. They may know they are being scanned by a telepath, but try not thinking about something when told to think about it.

And lastly, the Psionic Attack Mind Blast is a brutally effective way of clearing out a room from a distance if you use the Area of Effect option and spend a few points.

Anyone run into a telepathic challenge in a game?
Next question: Assuming they find the person in a house/apartment etc. The Psion returns to their body and returns to normal. Having seen the room, and the person. Would a telepathic power (using the standard range costs), be available to them now?

With the risk involved to answer with other version's rules, in CT:LBB3 page 44, when talking about the knowledge of destination for teleportation, it specifies that this can be by:
  • Having been there
  • Having seen it, even from distance
  • Having had the image implaned by another by telepathy
  • Having viewed the destination by clairvoyence

Also, IIRC, in various sources about the Zhodani Consular Guard is specified that their clairvoyants reccon the destination and implant the view by telepathy to th rest of the unit in order for the whole unit to teleport there.

Also about Zhodani (and again IIRC), is told that the scramblers reccon enemy positions with clairvoyance and then begin to créate chaos by removing grenade pins, magazines from weapons, etc...

As I understand what you talk about quite similar to clairvoyance in this way, I'd say yes, you can, at least if importing CT rules...

On the other hand, if you do not know where a person is, can you still contact them Telepathically using the range chart? Example: You know your good friend Bob is in the next city 600 km away. You spend 4 points for range and a couple of points for the power cost, could you either read his surface thoughts, or send him a message?

As I understand it, I'd say you can contact with a friend (someone whose "telepatic cannel" you know, so to say) as a bradcast, even if you don't know a dime about his/her location, as long as he/she is in range. Then you can find you don't have the points required due to distance, but taht can ba an affordable risk...