Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
I've been away from the CotI for a couple 'o months. I see the old forum has had some troubles recently. Good to see the old girl back up.
Here's an idea that's about 89% completed (meaning, I may have not considered all the angles yet). I'm looking to do away with the Tactics pool idea I've been using in my game and go with something simpler.
I still want the Tactics skill to have some bite (I want my players to want to have Tactics as a skill...but I don't want it overpowering the game either).
So, here's my thought....
On any combat task that is failed by 1 point (barely failed), a character with Tactics can use his tactical expertise to attempt another task.
A check would be called for: Roll 1D for Tactics or less. Success means that another (free and quick) attack would be permitted. Failure means, well, failure. No extra attack and we move on.
Note that this Tactics check is only possible when a combat task roll fails by a single point. At no other time can a character attempt another attack using this method.
Leonardo is firing his AutoPistol at the Vargr Corsair. He needs 8+ to hit, but, with all DMs, ends up rolling a total of 7.
Leonardo misses his target. But, he does have Tactics-1, and Leonardo's player asks for the Tactics check.
1D is rolled. If the result is a "1", then the check succeeds, and Leonardo can take another shot at his enemy (provided he has enough ammo, of course)--effectively giving Leonardo a second attack during the round even though the first one missed.
If the result on the check is 2-6, then we're done with Leonardo and move on to the next character in initiative order.
Note that characters, using this rule, won't overpower their enemies with a hail of bullets--they have to miss their original attack by a total of 1 point and only one point. Attacks that miss by 2 or more points are not elligible for the Tactics check.
Also, the Tactics check is a relatively hard check unless a character has a high Tacitcs skill (rare). In that case, anytime the Tactics expert misses by 1 point, he'll probably get another opportunity to hit.
Also, some characters with high Tactics may want to roll the Tactics check using more dice (say, 2D or 3D). For each extra die they use to make the Tactics check, they'll get a +1 on their extra attack if the Tactics check is successful.
The Vargr Corsair fires back at Leonardo. The Vargr needs an 8+, but he, too, rolls a 7 on his attack roll.
The Vargr, though, has Tactics-5.
When he Vargr makes his Tactics check, he can use either 1D, or 2D or more to make the check.
1D: A roll of 5- on 1D means an extra attack is granted.
2D: A roll of 5- on 2D means that an extra attack is granted, and that extra attack is made using a +1DM.
3D: A roll of 5- on 3D means that an extra attack is granged, and that extra attack is made using a +2DM.
And so on.
I think my players are going to dig this rule. It gives the Tactics skill a little umph, but the check is likely to be hard, and even if it isn't, the "miss-by-1-point" requirement ensures that this rule won't come into play every firefight.
It'll be a rare, neat, thing the players, with Tactics, can rely upon from time to time to help them out.
A similar idea for non-combat related tasks can be found in this thread.
Here's an idea that's about 89% completed (meaning, I may have not considered all the angles yet). I'm looking to do away with the Tactics pool idea I've been using in my game and go with something simpler.
I still want the Tactics skill to have some bite (I want my players to want to have Tactics as a skill...but I don't want it overpowering the game either).
So, here's my thought....
On any combat task that is failed by 1 point (barely failed), a character with Tactics can use his tactical expertise to attempt another task.
A check would be called for: Roll 1D for Tactics or less. Success means that another (free and quick) attack would be permitted. Failure means, well, failure. No extra attack and we move on.
Note that this Tactics check is only possible when a combat task roll fails by a single point. At no other time can a character attempt another attack using this method.
Leonardo is firing his AutoPistol at the Vargr Corsair. He needs 8+ to hit, but, with all DMs, ends up rolling a total of 7.
Leonardo misses his target. But, he does have Tactics-1, and Leonardo's player asks for the Tactics check.
1D is rolled. If the result is a "1", then the check succeeds, and Leonardo can take another shot at his enemy (provided he has enough ammo, of course)--effectively giving Leonardo a second attack during the round even though the first one missed.
If the result on the check is 2-6, then we're done with Leonardo and move on to the next character in initiative order.
Note that characters, using this rule, won't overpower their enemies with a hail of bullets--they have to miss their original attack by a total of 1 point and only one point. Attacks that miss by 2 or more points are not elligible for the Tactics check.
Also, the Tactics check is a relatively hard check unless a character has a high Tacitcs skill (rare). In that case, anytime the Tactics expert misses by 1 point, he'll probably get another opportunity to hit.
Also, some characters with high Tactics may want to roll the Tactics check using more dice (say, 2D or 3D). For each extra die they use to make the Tactics check, they'll get a +1 on their extra attack if the Tactics check is successful.
The Vargr Corsair fires back at Leonardo. The Vargr needs an 8+, but he, too, rolls a 7 on his attack roll.
The Vargr, though, has Tactics-5.
When he Vargr makes his Tactics check, he can use either 1D, or 2D or more to make the check.
1D: A roll of 5- on 1D means an extra attack is granted.
2D: A roll of 5- on 2D means that an extra attack is granted, and that extra attack is made using a +1DM.
3D: A roll of 5- on 3D means that an extra attack is granged, and that extra attack is made using a +2DM.
And so on.
I think my players are going to dig this rule. It gives the Tactics skill a little umph, but the check is likely to be hard, and even if it isn't, the "miss-by-1-point" requirement ensures that this rule won't come into play every firefight.
It'll be a rare, neat, thing the players, with Tactics, can rely upon from time to time to help them out.
A similar idea for non-combat related tasks can be found in this thread.