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CT Only: Ticket cost per Jump


SOC-14 5K
While researching something for another thread, I did come across the following statement in The Traveller Book, on page 53.

Differences in starship jump drive capacity have no specific effect on passage prices. A jump-3 starship charges the same passage price as a jump-1 starship. The difference is that a jump-3 ship can reach a destination in one jump, while the jump-1 ship would take three separate jumps (through two intermediate destinations, and requiring three separate tickets) to reach it.

I would also assume that cargo intended for the ultimate Jump-3 destination would also be charged at a rate for each jump, so 3,000 Credits per ton delivered to the Jump-3 ports.

I remember an extended discussion as to whether or not a Jump-1 ship would charge for 3 tickets to get to a destination that could be reached in one Jump for a Jump-3 ship. As I cannot remember what the outcome was, I thought that this should be posted.
You pay for the jump, regardless of distance.
Interstellar travel is priced on the basis of accomodations; prices cover a trip
from starport to starport, encompassing one jump, regardless of length.

A jump 3 ship can reach any world up to 3 parsecs away and charges for one jump.

A jump 1 ship can only jump to a world 1 parsec away, so to reach a destination 3 parsecs from your world of departure you will have to pay for three jumps.

Passengers will pay the standard fare for the class of transportation they choose:
Cr10,OOO for high passage, Cr8,000 for middle passage, and Cr1,OOO for low passage.
Passage is always sold on the basis of transport to the announced destination, -
rather than on the basis of jump distance
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In terms of ship's operations, the jump 1 ship makes the most sense with the cargo and passenger rules. It makes the most for the operator. The higher the jump number, the worse off the profit margin is on both because of the fixed cost the rules impose.

What I determined a while back was going from J1 to J3 doubles the cost of the fuel used. As a ship owner you get nothing in return for that and are actually losing money. So, the fix is that for each jump number above 1 you add in 10% more cost to the ticket. This becomes the baseline value charged for a ticket. So, a J3 ship's ticket for one jump is 1.3 times the cost of a J1 ticket. But, you get to go three times as far for that extra cost.

General cargo works the same way. You pay more for longer jumps but that's offset by the greater distance gone.

Otherwise, why would anyone ever want anything other than a J1 ship? It is just cost ineffective.
The trade rules are designed with a jump 1 trade ship in mind. You do not make a lot of money shipping freight and passengers, you need enough credits to speculatively trade.

By the time you have made enough money to upgrade your jump drive you should be making enough money from speculative trade that making jumps of 2 or 3 parsecs may be worth it to get better trade codes for goods resale.

Remember what the rules say - the ref rolls for cargo for worlds accessible in one jump by your ship. A jump 1 ship severely limits you in the trade codes that may be available. A jump 3 ship has a lot more worlds in range and so that lot you just picked up may be worth a lot more thanks to your increased jump range.
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I think people will pay lots more money to have a one-week trip instead of a three-week trip.

Also, J3 ships cost a lot more than J1 ships.

As a reference point, by 2025, Boom's new 1,687 mph jet will make the London to NYC trip in 3.25 hours, for $2500 one-way.

Normal non-stop flights take around 8 hours and start around $400 and cap around $1240, at the moment.

So people are willing to pay 2-8 times the normal amount to cut their flight time to 40%.
That's how I see it. Higher jump ships cost more to operate per jump, and cost more to purchase to begin with. But, the offset is you go much further on one jump. So, even if you just do the 10% added per jump above 1, the cost of a ticket for a J3 ship at 1.3 times that of a J1 is a bargain.

I also allow players to charge what they think they can get for cargo and passengers at any stop. Doesn't mean they'll get it, but I think it's realistic to expect ship's captains to try and make a better deal for themselves than be saddled with "You can only charge X..."
We had a big knockdown dragout over it and I really don't want to dig up that thread.

Guy, do what makes sense to you and likely your players will roll with it.

For me, it's per parsec, and higher jump ships get more demand - 1D per J# the jump will be. Either that or a premium to the ticket, maybe something like Cr1000*(J#-1).

I go with standardized fares because I'm assuming they are fixed to promote ship availability and support all the downstream economics. Except IMTU for the Cloud, which has substandard secondhand/acquired ships and can ship far more cheaply- not exactly reliable trustworthy service though....
CT rules as written.

You pay per jump regardless of distance.

Cargo as freight - Cr1000 per ton for one jump
High, middle and low passages - pay per jump not per parsec.

The trade system is an abstract game for a tramp trader, not an economics primer.

It is perfectly possible to start with a jump 1 ship and make enough money to get into the speculative trade business, once you have enough of a stake for a second ship you can really start raking in the money.

A jump 3 ship can make a lot of money through speculative trade, but you need the stake money to buy the stuff.
That's how I see it. Higher jump ships cost more to operate per jump, and cost more to purchase to begin with. But, the offset is you go much further on one jump. So, even if you just do the 10% added per jump above 1, the cost of a ticket for a J3 ship at 1.3 times that of a J1 is a bargain.

I also allow players to charge what they think they can get for cargo and passengers at any stop. Doesn't mean they'll get it, but I think it's realistic to expect ship's captains to try and make a better deal for themselves than be saddled with "You can only charge X..."

That is a very good point to make.