Spinward Flow
SOC-14 5K
Modular Tug
Ship Type: AT (Merchant-A, Transport)
TL=10 (LBB5.80 using LBB2.81 standard drives)
Tonnage (custom hull): 400 tons
Configuration: 2 (Cone, streamlined, MCr44)
Fuel Scoops (MCr0.4)
Armor: 0
Jump-H (code: 4, 45 tons, MCr80, Capacitor storage: 8 tons = 288 EP maximum) (LBB2.81, p22)
Maneuver-H (code: 4, 15 tons, MCr32) (LBB2.81, p22)
Power Plant-H (code: 4, 25 tons, MCr64, EP: 16, Surplus EP: +1 @ Agility 3, Emergency Agility: 5) (LBB2.81, p22)
Total Drives: 45+15+25=85 tons
Fuel: 200 tons (4 parsecs = 160 tons) (4 weeks operations = 40 tons, up to 16 weeks powered down)
Fuel Purification Plant: 200 ton capacity (8 tons, MCr0.036) (LBB5.80, p27, 36)
L-Hyd drop tank fittings (MCr0.01) (LBB A5, p14)
Hardpoints: 1 (MCr0.1) (LBB2.81, p15 and p23)
Triple Turrets: 1 (MCr1) (LBB2.81, p23)
Triple Turret: Sandcaster, Pulse Laser, Missile (1 ton, MCr1.5, EP: 1) (LBB5.80, p25)
Computer: 4 (Code: 4, 4 tons, MCr30, TL: A, EP: 2)
Crew required: 4 officers, 4 ratings
1x Workshop: regenerative life support recycling (4 tons, MCr0.6)
2x Laboratory: regenerative life support biome (8 tons, MCr1.2, hydroponics and carniculture)
Internal Cargo: 8 tons
Small Craft Berths and Ordinary Launch Facilities:
Waste Space: 0 tons
Interplanetary Travel (distance, acceleration, time) (link)
Single production
Single production economic break even per 2 weeks for annualized costs (including life support, berthing fees, crew salaries and annual overhaul costs) @ 25 jumps per year (25*14=350 days):
Jump-4 cargo capacity: 38 tons maximum = Cr34,200 interstellar charter
Ship Type: AT (Merchant-A, Transport)
TL=10 (LBB5.80 using LBB2.81 standard drives)
Tonnage (custom hull): 400 tons
Configuration: 2 (Cone, streamlined, MCr44)
Fuel Scoops (MCr0.4)
Armor: 0
Jump-H (code: 4, 45 tons, MCr80, Capacitor storage: 8 tons = 288 EP maximum) (LBB2.81, p22)
Maneuver-H (code: 4, 15 tons, MCr32) (LBB2.81, p22)
Power Plant-H (code: 4, 25 tons, MCr64, EP: 16, Surplus EP: +1 @ Agility 3, Emergency Agility: 5) (LBB2.81, p22)
Total Drives: 45+15+25=85 tons
Fuel: 200 tons (4 parsecs = 160 tons) (4 weeks operations = 40 tons, up to 16 weeks powered down)
Fuel Purification Plant: 200 ton capacity (8 tons, MCr0.036) (LBB5.80, p27, 36)
L-Hyd drop tank fittings (MCr0.01) (LBB A5, p14)
Hardpoints: 1 (MCr0.1) (LBB2.81, p15 and p23)
Triple Turrets: 1 (MCr1) (LBB2.81, p23)
Triple Turret: Sandcaster, Pulse Laser, Missile (1 ton, MCr1.5, EP: 1) (LBB5.80, p25)
- 1 Sandcaster (code: 3)
- 1 Pulse Laser (code: 1)
- 1 Missile (code: 1)
Computer: 4 (Code: 4, 4 tons, MCr30, TL: A, EP: 2)
Crew required: 4 officers, 4 ratings
- Pilot-1
- Navigator-1
- Engineering-2 (chief)
- Engineering-1
- Engineering-1
- Steward-2
- Medic-2
- Gunnery-1
1x Workshop: regenerative life support recycling (4 tons, MCr0.6)
2x Laboratory: regenerative life support biome (8 tons, MCr1.2, hydroponics and carniculture)
Internal Cargo: 8 tons
Small Craft Berths and Ordinary Launch Facilities:
- Internal Hangar Berth (1 module): 30 tons capacity (30 tons, MCr0.06) (LBB5.80, p32)
- External Docking Berths (20 modules): 600 tons capacity (0 tons, MCr1.2) (LBB5.80, p32)
Waste Space: 0 tons
Modular Tug AT-3244441-030000-10001-0 MCr211.2848 400 tons
batteries bearing 1 1 1 TL=10. FPP.
batteries 1 1 1 Crew=8. PL.
Passengers=0. Low=0. Cargo=8. Hangar=30. Fuel=200. EP=16. Agility=3.
1x 30 ton Modular Cutter Cargo Module.
600 ton capacity external berths and ordinary launch facilities.
Jump-2, Maneuver-2 @ up to 800 tons total (+400 tons external)
Jump-1, Maneuver-1 @ up to 1000 tons total (+600 tons external)
Interplanetary Travel (distance, acceleration, time) (link)
Single production
- Total Cost: MCr264.106
- 20% Down Payment: MCr52.8212
- Architect Fees: MCr264.106
- Construction Time: 64 weeks (LBB A5, p33)
- Annual Overhaul: Cr264,106 (LBB2.81, p8)
- Total Cost: MCr211.2848
- 20% Down Payment: MCr42.25696
- Construction Time: 52 weeks (LBB A5, p33)
- Annual Overhaul: Cr211,285 (LBB2.81, p8)
- Life Support: Cr0 due to regenerative life support workshop+laboratories yielding Environmental Control Type V-c
- Minimum Crew Salaries: Cr15,150 per 2 weeks (LBB2.81, p11, p16)
- Surface to Orbit Shuttle Costs: Cr10 per cargo ton, Cr20 to 120 per passenger (LBB2.81, p9)
- Fuel: Cr500 per ton (refined), Cr100 per ton (unrefined), Cr0 (skimmed) (LBB2.81, p7)
- Mail Delivery: Cr5,000 revenue per ton on delivery (Cr25,000 max) (LBB2.81, p9)
- Interstellar Cargo Transport: Cr1000 per ton to declared destination (LBB2.81, p8-9)
- Interplanetary Charters 12+ hours): Cr1 per hour per ton of ship (Cr300 per hour), minimum 12 hours (Cr3600) (LBB2.81, p9)
- Interstellar Charters (2 weeks): Cr900 per ton of cargo, Cr900 per low passage berth, Cr9000 per high passage berth (LBB2.81, p9)
- Imperial subsidies reduce gross revenue receipts by 50% for passengers, cargo and mail (LBB2.81, p7)
Single production economic break even per 2 weeks for annualized costs (including life support, berthing fees, crew salaries and annual overhaul costs) @ 25 jumps per year (25*14=350 days):
- Overhead costs: 0 + 100 + 15,150*(26/25) + (264,106/25) = Cr26,421
- Paid off revenue: Cr27,000 = 27 tons cargo = Cr579 profit
- Subsidy revenue: 53,000 / 2 = Cr26,500 revenue = 53 tons cargo = Cr79 profit
- Overhead costs: 0 + 100 + 15,150*(26/25) + (211,285/25) = Cr24,308
- Paid off revenue: Cr25,000 = 25 tons cargo = Cr692 profit
- Subsidy revenue: 49,000 / 2 = Cr24,500 = 49 tons cargo = Cr192 profit
- Cr5,282,120 per year (Cr211,285 per 2 weeks 25 times per year) average profits are sufficient to recoup the base cost of volume construction costs over 40 years in order to break even on all costs.
- Cr12,677,088 per year (Cr507,084 per 2 weeks 25 times per year) average profits are required to pay off bank loan financing over 40 years in order to break even on all costs.
Jump-4 cargo capacity: 38 tons maximum = Cr34,200 interstellar charter
- 8 tons cargo internal
- 1x 30 tons modular cargo modules internal
- 8 tons cargo internal
- 1x 30 tons modular cargo modules internal
- 13x 30 tons modular cargo modules external
- 1x 10 tons small craft external
- 8 tons cargo internal
- 1x 30 tons modular cargo modules internal
- 20x 30 tons modular cargo modules external