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TL12 System Defense Boat - CT Stats?


It's been a while since I looked at the old CT rules and booklets I have.

Interested in finding the stats for a TL12 System Defense Boat (or thereabouts), like the Dragon class ones I've seen in images, and that come with deckplans. I think it is the basic, 400 ton vessel.

Are the stats for it included in one of the CT supplements?

If so, anyone know which one?

I'm interested primarily in the one with the quad missile bays (two?), as shown in the pics, and need to know the tonnage for the various hull areas and systems, as well as how many missiles it carries, and how many can be salvoed in a turn.

I suspect I may have the info in one of the supplements I own, but don't know where to look.

Of course, if there's an on-line source for that info, that'd be even better, since I've got the rules tucked safely away.

I've found lots of various models of SDBs, but most seem to be different types, sizes, tech levels, and armaments from the one I recall, as listed above.

Any info you can provide is appreciated.

I'm also interested in a good, on-line spreadsheet, for CT shipbuilding, if there is one available as well, and that provides guidance/limitations for working up vessels correctly (not breaking any of the basic vessel stat norms).
Classic Traveller Suppliment 7: Traders and Gunboats

Those are reported to be two triple missile 'turrets'.
It's been a while since I looked at the old CT rules and booklets I have.

I'm interested primarily in the one with the quad missile bays (two?), as shown in the pics, and need to know the tonnage for the various hull areas and systems, as well as how many missiles it carries, and how many can be salvoed in a turn.

I suspect I may have the info in one of the supplements I own, but don't know where to look.

Of course, if there's an on-line source for that info, that'd be even better, since I've got the rules tucked safely away.

It has two missile turrets, for a factor-3 battery IIRC. The deck plans in Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats imply a missile magazine, but I don't think the stats specify how large it is. Also, while HG mentions missile magazines, I don't think there are any rules in HG that cover the magazine capacity.

I use a house rule that a missile launcher holds enough for 3 turns and magazine that's half the size of a turret or bay weapon (i.e. 1/2t for a turret, 25t for a 50t bay or 50t for a 100t bay) will hold enough ammunition for a further 3 turns.

The magazines in the deck plans are quite large, I would rule that the 400t SDB has enough ammunition for several dozen combat turns - pick a number really.
The CT number of missiles per launcher is hidden in the missiles special supplement.

Each missile rack launcher has one missile ready to fire and two more ready reloads. There is space for a further 12 missiles to be stored in a standard turret.

Each standard missile rack can hold one missile ready to fire and two additional
missiles ready for future game turns. The role of the gunner in the turret is to aim
and fire the weaponry in the turret; once the missile racks and ready missiles are
exhausted, the gunner must reload them with new missiles. A gunner can load new
missiles into the racks and still operate the weaponry in a game turn.
The standard turret has room to store an additional 12 missiles in it. Once these
missiles have been used, the turret must be restocked with missiles carried elsewhere
in the ship (usually in the cargo hold).
The supplement also describes the size of the canisters carrying the missiles, from which you can extrapolate how many can be carried per ton.

Any decent warship should also have a workspace for the gunners to swap out sensor/detonator/warhead mixes, part of the scissors/rock/paper of the supplement is to have a loadout the enemy is not prepared to counter.