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TNE Only: TNE FF&S Standard TL-10 Wedge S 100 displacement ton hull


SOC-14 1K
Hello all,

This is what I developed using TNE FF&S for the first hull on the T4 QSDS 1.5e Standard Hull Configuration Table.

ComponentTL TonsGmaxArmor RatingVolume TdPower MWCost MCrArea m^2Length m
Hull Size-- -- ----100----900.0--
Basic Hull10 100 2 2094.027.44.3708.035
Hull Shell Crystaliron10 -- -- 20 1.61 --0.14----
Hull IS Crystaliron10 -- -- -- 0.16 --0.02----
Fuel Scoop-- -- -- ------0.1180.0--
1x Airlock5 -- -- -- 0.200.0010.022.0--
1x Large Cargo Hatch-- -- -- ------0.0120.0--
1x Enhanced Life Support System10 -- -- --
1x Dynamic Linked Control System10 -- -- --
1x Artificial Gravity/G-Compensator System10 -- -- --
1x Contra-Gravity Lifter System10 -- -- --2.1420.002.5090.0--
[tc=10]Standard Wedge S 100 ton hull[/tc]

T4 QSDS 1.5e Armor: 10; Volume: 94.1; Power: 27.3; Cost: 4.4; and Area 708.

For a change, with the exceptions of Armor and Area, this is the closest I've been to matching everything.

I believe that the armor for all the standard hulls are off per the TNE FF&S Mk I Mod 0 rules which requires the minimum Armor value/rating to be 10 x Gmax for interplanetary and interstellar vessels.

Can someone give me a hint on getting rid of the dead space between top of the table and the first sentence.
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Well, whulorigan I 've tried your suggestion on the Formatting options for signatures and may have gotten rid of a line of white space. Trying the link posted 02/15/15 to Patent of Nobility Card [where are you?] won't display unless I lower my security settings.

Looks like I'm not bright enough to figure out the formatting. Of course the computer programing class I took showed my talent is not in programming. Documentation of the program is a better fit.

Thank you again for the help.