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Traveller and Serenity


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
This is not a review of Serenity. This is an overview of how Serenity maps to Traveller.

This is my 25 cent run-through.

I saw a copy of Serenity RPG used on Amazon for $17, and finally decided to get it. I had read a couple of mixed reviews comparing it to the newer Firefly, which I decided meant it didn't matter that I got the older one.

Chris Thrash is in the credits, in case you remembered him from T4 (and TNE?) and the TML in the 90s. And Lester Smith. And James Ward.

Serenity Characters are like Traveller Characters

Sure, there are differences, but at least at face value they seem to have more in common than not.

Serenity characters have attributes and skills. Yes, chargen is point-buy, and the task system is different, and they explicitly have hit points, but essentially Serenity characters are like Traveller characters. They even split attributes up in half: three physical, and three mental.

Tip. To have Traveller characters that seem a bit like Serenity characters:

(1) Replace Education and Social Standing with Alertness (like intuition and observation) and Willpower.

(2) Andy Slack in 2015 noted that his players came up with detailed backstories and personalities with no Edges, Hindrances, Ads/Disads or whatever you want to call them. He concluded the point by saying You really don’t need rules for that stuff, you know.

Economics are Economics

The Alliance credit is worth US$25 - more than the Traveller credit. If the Traveller credit is today worth around US$5, then that corresponds most closely to the gold coin used in Border systems in Serenity (also US$5).

Equipment costs are different from item to item, but unless someone is really keen on finding out why, I bet it won't matter.

Tip: There's lots of neat equipment for covert operations in this book. If you're going to run something Firefly-like, this book will help with gear, even if you use Traveller otherwise.... but it's not necessary.

Starships in Serenity can require monthly payments, as usual, as well as fuel, supplies, parts and upgrades, and crew salaries.

Passengers pay less than in Traveller - significantly so. I suppose that's because there's no actual interstellar travel. Cargo is close to Traveller prices, it seems.

Robots run the same general range as in Traveller, I think. Nothing really new there.

Starships are More Abstract

Yes, starships in Serenity have abstracted equipment ratings into a set of "attributes" that makes them work as if they were NPCs. At least, that means the task system works for ships as well as characters. Handy. Here's how you could create similar ship Attributes for Traveller:

STR. Use a Size Code.
DEX. Use High Guard Agility, perhaps.
END. Rate the ship's maintenance status. This could map to "Quality" or "Reliability" from T5.
Alertness. This is simply the power of the ship's sensors.
INT. This is simply the main computer's rating.
Willpower. This is a measure of the ship's "Safety" and redundancy rating.

The Setting

Pages 197 to 218 have all the background you need to run the game in the Firefly 'verse.
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Do assets and complications give you more (complications) and less (assets) points for the character creation?

In other words, are they like advantages and disadvantages from Champions?
Do assets and complications give you more (complications) and less (assets) points for the character creation?

In other words, are they like advantages and disadvantages from Champions?

Yes, I think that's right - trade them off for points. I thought GURPS works this way as well?

Andy Slack noted that that sort of thing really doesn't require rules. It may be that forcing players to use rules for advantages and disadvantages may actually remove ideas from their heads!
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While I didn't care for the system, the adventures are top notch.

ISTR Chris Thrash worked on the ship rules.

The Firefly game is better playing, but a far less traditional design.
If you don't like the Cortex system (Serenity rpg) with the different types of dice, the Vortex system (for the Doctor Who game and others) seems to be very similar, but with 2d6 dice. I've been hoping someone would come up with a conversion. I want that 2d6 Traveller feel. :)
If one wants to roll attributes on Cortex Classic, the scale maps nicely to 2d6...


Skills would be similar
no dice is unskilled
d4 is level 0
d6 is level 1
Note that cortext requires specialization, so levels 0-1 would be in a cascade group, while levels 2+ would be in the specific skill.