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Traveller Art and Stuff for sale

bryan gibson

Absent Friend
Hi all!

Its studio purging time, and I'm aggressively cleaning out the studio of a mass of artwork, most of it Traveller and SF related. It ranges from previously published material, convention work, to sketches and cartoons.

Many items are for sale directly at my site


Just look for tyhe album page SALE ITEMS.

You don't need a passport to view, and if you want to purchase I can be contacted one of two ways:

Register at the site ( its braindead easy, just join to be autoapproved and post on the message boards there, or you can contact me by email at sabakakrazny@aol.com

I can now accept paypal,or postal money order.Turnaround is three to five buisness days and I generally ship US Postal Service, and I will ship overseas once payment is approved.

Check it out!
<clicks Sale Items link>

"This photo album is empty."

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Still nothing
No patience ;)

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Crashed and the Droyne drawing are especially nice. But, Bryan, you are the undisputed master of new nifty vehicle gizmos. Hope they commission you for work on the Starships book. Where do you get your inspiration? When I look at the Fighting Ships (CT & MT) they seem to lack all imagination whereas, your work, seems to want to fly. I was wondering if you ever considered using different shades like in the Aslan FASA ship?
Yes I quite like "Crashed". But then there's very little of Bryan's stuff I don't like :D

If I could just scrape up the cash
I am today. In the aftermath of dennis we got a torrential rain, and my local ISP has the habit of outages when that happens - apparently waterproof lines wasn'ty in their design specs. Upshot being I ddidnt get to update last night as planned.

Look for some more up today.
Crashed and the Droyne drawing are especially nice. But, Bryan, you are the undisputed master of new nifty vehicle gizmos. Hope they commission you for work on the Starships book. Where do you get your inspiration? When I look at the Fighting Ships (CT & MT) they seem to lack all imagination whereas, your work, seems to want to fly. I was wondering if you ever considered using different shades like in the Aslan FASA ship?
Thanks, always nice to hear the work is enjoyed!

As to shaded techniques, Ive used that to good effect ( I think, at least - I began doing more only in the last year) in the illos in the Yian Cardee and Fighting Ships PDFs QLI has done. Of course, in the earlier stuff, even back in the early nineties, grayscale illos were seldom done- either the technoilogy wasn't there to do decent reroduction, or it was just way too expensive. Now , of course, thats all changed, and I do a fair bit more of that now.

While more time consuming, theres no denying it brings a depth to the piece you just can't get otherwise.
Crashed and the Droyne drawing are especially nice. But, Bryan, you are the undisputed master of new nifty vehicle gizmos. Hope they commission you for work on the Starships book. Where do you get your inspiration? When I look at the Fighting Ships (CT & MT) they seem to lack all imagination whereas, your work, seems to want to fly. I was wondering if you ever considered using different shades like in the Aslan FASA ship?
Thanks, always nice to hear the work is enjoyed!

As to shaded techniques, Ive used that to good effect ( I think, at least - I began doing more only in the last year) in the illos in the Yian Cardee and Fighting Ships PDFs QLI has done. Of course, in the earlier stuff, even back in the early nineties, grayscale illos were seldom done- either the technoilogy wasn't there to do decent reroduction, or it was just way too expensive. Now , of course, thats all changed, and I do a fair bit more of that now.

While more time consuming, theres no denying it brings a depth to the piece you just can't get otherwise.
I'd love to buy the cover image off Fighting Ships TA#7, for personal reasons. Price dependant, but that's probably owned by QLI.

It is, but if you want to commision a simialr one, I'm sure we could sort something . PM me, if interested and we'll discuss details.
As to shaded techniques, Ive used that to good effect ( I think, at least - I began doing more only in the last year) in the illos in the Yian Cardee and Fighting Ships PDFs QLI has done. Of course, in the earlier stuff, even back in the early nineties, grayscale illos were seldom done- either the technoilogy wasn't there to do decent reroduction, or it was just way too expensive. Now , of course, thats all changed, and I do a fair bit more of that now.

While more time consuming, theres no denying it brings a depth to the piece you just can't get otherwise.
Yes, I noticed that. Those are some of my favorite pieces...hopefully, we are going to see more of it in 2320AD.

Just wonder as I stated in the original post...what inspires you for the fantastic vehicles/starships?
Just wonder as I stated in the original post...what inspires you for the fantastic vehicles/starships?
Well, in short, while it admittedly sounds flip, I just make it up as I go. What I mean is I don't generally attach a lot of thought to the process, per se, so much as I just go that way creatively speaking.

Sometimes I get a spark of an idea and act on it, sometimes I see a shape that appeals or fits the "character" of the thing in mind.

Ok, I'm no engineer, but I do try for a certain logic of approach, as well. Like say, a car, that has four wheels by definition, has a top, bottom and space for passengers, but beyond that there is an infinity of directions you can go.

In the long version tho, while I can't say I'm inspired, really, I am heavily influenced by Ron Cobb, Syd Mead. Dave Diethrick, and several others , as for figures I tend towards Rackham, Mucha, Freas and Whelan.I can't help but nod towards Miyazaki, Shirow and Otomo Kishiro, as well as Range Murata. And, I have to finally say that Mobius has always been a fave.

Comics wise my first real influence was Dave Cockrum and later Paul Gulacy and Tom Sankeiwiecz, tho Frank Miller had a hand too!

As you can see, over the years its been an amalgam, and its sad to say but for the most part some of my best work has never appeared in any gaming venue beyond some early TSR stuff. Not to be snide, as gaming has been good to me over the years, but its also a long established poorly paying market ( overall, one of the lowest on average, unless you are working for WOTC or very few others) and is one reason why there is generally not that much quality art in most paper gaming venues. ( compare the quality to whats the standard in most computer games these days)

This is almost unavoidable, as paper games componies have felt the crunch and simple can't afford really competetive rates market wise and is certainly not their fault, but its a fact of life.

All the above also bears on my work: after all, the harsh thing is, if I have a great idea, a killer image in my head, I still have to balance it with hours to job ratio- hence many of my designs are predicated on simplicity as well - I could add greater detail, but a piece netting seventy five dollars doesnt really merit 15 hours of work, otherwise I can work in fast food for more pay. Practical matters affect my work heavily, as you can see.

All the above I expound, as its instrumental to my style - I have evolved and strive for an economy of line, and try to communicate as much as I can in as straightforward a way as possible. My piece for Flynns Market ( the street vendor bit with the newt) was an example- the vargr is haggling, the newt is adamant, and the girl is just tired of it all and can we please just go back to the ship now?

A peice I was rather pleased with, actually!

Hope that answers, and if you have others , feel free to ask!
Bryan, how much would you expect for a simple commission to draw a few characters?

Anybody else? What sort of numbers would I need to offer? Difference between hardcopy (like Bryan's) and digital only?
it generally runs about 15-50$ USA for a single
drawing...sometimes you can get 2 characters
for that but generally 1....
Wow Bryan.... I'm also tempted to request a Trav character commission, in your amazing grey pencil-sketch style.

Very nice artwork, all of it.