Andrew Boulton
The Adminator
What kind of stories do you want?
What kind of stories do you want?
[ ] Epic, spanning several books
[ ] Stand-alone, with the same characters
[ ] Stand-alone, with different characters
[√] All of the above
What's more important to me is the quality of writing first.
Second, in importance, is familiarity with the Traveller universe.
Given that Webber also was the line developer for the Starfire game line... and that the battles in the novels drove the game's added tech trees... and it was originally SV Cole's setting... it's a surprisingly good read.
Ouch! Zing!
Even the dictionary can't decide exactly what a story is, giving several definitions including:What kind of stories do you want?
Needless to say covers by Andrew Boulton.
So, I'm not sure if your asking about short stories, large Novels, or everything.