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Traveller Starship Mini News

Ad Astra Games (the folks who brought you Attack Vector and the Honor Harrington Saganami Island Tactical Simulator game) has just bought the liscense from MegaMinis to make Traveller miniatures. Also, they are going to print the BITS Power Projection titles and come out with a line of capital ship miniatures for the game.

More info here:http://www.star-ranger.com/PowerProjection.htm
Thanks for the update, Mark! From the looks of Ad Astra's 1:12,000 scale Honorverse minis (cast by Reaper), they should be able to handle it. One thing troubles me, though.

MegaMiniatures Traveller adventure class ships are large scale (bigger than RAFM's), and while they make great display models, they really are too big for effective use in Mayday, Brilliant Lances and the like. According to Ken Burnside of Ad Astra Games, while continuing the MegaMinis line, their first production run will be the fleet ships found in Traveller: Power Projection. While Third Imperium naval ships have been long-neglected in the miniatures realm, I wonder what steps, if any, will be taken to reconcile the adventure class ships with them, scale-wise?
These are looking more and more impressive!

Link to discussion from the Star Ranger message board

If you'd like to see them, go do a pre-order over at Ad Astra.

Order here

Until they get 70 orders for a box set, they ain't going into production. (They are at 18 and 20 orders, now.) If you're hoping to just get them at a Con, that won't happen till the first 70 people pony up.

So if you want them, ORDER! (please, I'd like to get mine that I pre-ordered...
A quick fyi, I was just over on the Ad Astra site and both sets are going to production and should ship late spring early summer. Looks like they got the preorder numbers. Here's hoping the production comes off close to the cgi
FYI everyone.
In the Spring 2007 Games Quarterly, The Mega Minis traveller miniatures are listed as 'Recently out of Production.'
Listed are the Beowulf, Droyne (x5), Scout Courier and Pinnace (x3).
I went to order from both sets from Ad Astra. Unfortunately I got a security warning during the order process & decided not to order from them. Has anyone else had this experience ordering from Ad Astra?
Originally posted by Manax Darkhstarr:
I went to order from both sets from Ad Astra. Unfortunately I got a security warning during the order process & decided not to order from them. Has anyone else had this experience ordering from Ad Astra?
What was the actual security warning? Just an expired certificate?
I emailed the company, evidently the problem is technical & they kindly advised me to use PayPal. Got both fleet sets ordered now, life is good. Whats scary is they cost about what some of the old RAFM minis go on ebay.
I hope Ad Astra makes some sets to go with the Power Projection escort rules. Though the scout courier size they are selling if its made in the megaminis size could make for an interesting non-Imperial cruiser or dreadnaught. :cool:
The Scout/Courier Ad Astra is selling is the MegaMinis model. Ad Astra bought the masters. They're 50mm long, according to note I scoured from somewhere.
Thanks. Pity. They still nice minis. I have a foundness for the scout/courier from my early Traveller games I ran or was a player. They were everywhere, like mice. Adventurers, bounty hunters, corsairs, everyone seems to have one.
I notice that the Ad Astra miniatures (Beowulf x 1, Scout x 2, Pinnaces x 5) are on the Leisure Games "New this Week" list for the UK. Some photos would be nice. They are £9.99 per pack.

The Zhodani and Imperial fleet packs have gone off for mold-making and production, so we hopefully will have our new Traveller warships soon.

Apparently production of the Plankwell miniature was quite a battle.
The Zhodani and Imperial fleet packs have gone off for mold-making and production, so we hopefully will have our new Traveller warships soon.

Apparently production of the Plankwell miniature was quite a battle.

Shall look forward to these arriving in the UK. I've now got the Free Trader and the Scouts, although I haven't got round to painting them yet.

Any further plans for more? A Lab ship would be nice!


I don't know about the "adventurer-scale" ships. No plans have been announced. That said, I'd like to see more "fleet-scale" miniatures first and then some PC-size ships. A Lab ship would be nice, a Far Trader and a Corsair/Type T cruiser would be cool.