Some small press gaming mag once did Traveller stats for the Count. Any help here? I'm racking my brains, but can't think which mag it might be.
But would he 'Sparkle'?
I refer you to the Buck Rogers episode 'Space Vampire'. :rofl:
This is an old write up for vampires that I did for an old Traveller game that I ran AGES ago.
Vampirism in Traveller.
Vampirism is a virus that modifies the generic structure of those unfortunate enough to catch it. While it is generally hard to pass on to others ( The virus must be introduced directly into the blood stream, and this is usually accomplished through a bite, or by an infected person deliberately feeding another their blood ) and those infected with it gain some truly amazing side effects, the drawbacks of infection are extreme, and deadly in nature.
To infect: roll 2D when exposed. id results are over CURRENT End, then exposed has contracted the disease. Both benifits and Side Effects manifest after three days of initial infection.
The Benefits: +4 Str, +4 Dex, these bonuses can result in the affected stats going over 15. Gain a "Blood pool" stat that may range from 0 to 15 and can be used to power the infecteds psi like abilities. Gain the following Psi ablilities: Telepathy, Awareness, Clairvoyance. The "Psionic abilities" are powered by the points from the infecteds Blood Pool, and function in all ways like the regular Psionic Talents with all the sub skills. These skills are treated in all ways like normal skills and must be raised over time. They also cease to age.
The Side effects: Inability to digest anything other than Blood for sustenance. Blood Pool will decrease by one for every day that blood is not ingested, when BP reaches 0, End begins to decrease by one per day, when End reaches 0, infected slips into a state similar to the Awareness power of Suspended Animation that they can not end unless given blood.
To regain BP the infected must feed, regaining one BP for for every stat point of damage they take from a target on a one for one basis.
Extreme photosensitivity. Infected take damage to EACH of their physical stats each ROUND that they are exposed to direct solar radiation. Amount taken depends on the local suns spectral type as follows: O or B 5pts per round. A 4pts per round, F 3pts per round, G 2pts per round, M 1pt per round.
The 3I keeps close track of those infected with the disease and does not allow them off the worlds they inhabit, The penalty for violating this travel edict is death.