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Traveller T20: Terran Federation


SOC-14 1K
I'm going to be running a Traveller T20 game on Sunday evenings at 8pm (GMT+0 time zone). The adventure will be set in my Alternate Traveller Universe, set in the early interstellar period.

I'm looking for a couple more mature and reliable players. Send me a private message if you're interested. We'll be using Fantasy Grounds version 2. I've got a couple of additional lite licences which can be loaned if you want to try this. Please note, I will be retaining the license, only allowing you to install the software on your machine.

Calendar Entry: http://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=186

I'm thinking of running one of the following scenarios:

One of our ships is missing .... a leading bank wants to hire you to find a ship whose owner has skipped payments. The ship is to be confiscated and returned to New Boston, where the bank will take possession.

Labrysian Nights .... a ship has gone down on a pre-space developing world, breaking an interdiction order of the Terran Federation. Can you find the offending parties before they cause damage to the developing society? Can you avoid doing the same damage yourselves?

Outbreak on Gashidda .... an outbreak of Terran Flu threatens the population of Gashidda, a high population Kimushugar world. Can you deliver Dr Thomas and his team to the world in time to halt the outbreak before a worldwide pandemic strikes.

Imperial Messages .... the government of the Terran Federation wants to make diplomatic approaches to the Vilani Empire. The only problem is that the Kimushugar Free Worlds are technically still at war with the Imperium and the only know route to Imperial worlds is through Kimushugar space.
Could be the start of a "Grand Tour" style campaign. First ... find the Imperium. Then make way through uncharted and possibly hostile space to somewhere to make diplomatic advances. Do so without the Kimushugar Free Worlds learning what you're doing.
The ruleset is now just the character sheet and the desktop theme. In version 2 of Fantasy Grounds, the rules reference has been separated in to modules. I am doing one of these modules based on the T20 characters and combat book for my own use when running games. I'll offer it to Hunter when I'm done. I'll be putting the following in the T20 Basic Rules module: - Races - Classes - Prior History - Skills & descriptions - Feats & descriptions - Armour table - Weapons table - Equipment table
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Based on the characters and general interest from the players, the campaign will be:

Imperial Messages .... the government of the Terran Federation wants to make diplomatic approaches to the Vilani Empire. The only problem is that the Kimushugar Free Worlds are technically still at war with the Imperium and the only know route to Imperial worlds is through Kimushugar space.
Could be the start of a "Grand Tour" style campaign. First ... find the Imperium. Then make way through uncharted and possibly hostile space to somewhere to make diplomatic advances. Do so without the Kimushugar Free Worlds learning what you're doing.

Currently we have:
- a 5th level Scout
- a 7th level Navy Lieutenant
- a 6th level Marine Sergeant