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Travellercon/USA 2007

Hi Everyone! :)

This is a call out to both referees and players...

I just wanted everyone to know that Travellercon/USA is being held in Lancaster/Pa this October 19-21...visit our site at www.travellercon-usa.com to register for the convention, check out the schedule so far, etc. If you have any questions, you can email us at info@travellercon-usa.com.

Thank you!
Megan H.
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I'd love to but I don't think I have enough money.

Someone should do this in Massachusetts.
I'd love to go, both to play some Traveller and run some Traveller events. Alas, it is too far away and too soon after Gen Con for me to be able to afford the trip. :(

Best of luck, Fellow Travellers,
Hi Everyone! :)

This is a call out to both referees and players...

I just wanted everyone to know that Travellercon/USA is being held in Lancaster/Pa this October 19-21...visit our site at www.travellercon-usa.com to register for the convention, check out the schedule so far, etc. If you have any questions, you can email us at info@travellercon-usa.com.

Thank you!
Megan H.
When i first saw this ad i thought it said Lancaster/Ca. Imagine my disappointment when i looked a second time. What i will do to support this Con is to buy a t-shirt. Best of luck with the Con.

Travellercon/USA 2008

For everyone who missed last year's convention, we're holding Travellercon/USA 2008 again in Lancaster, Pa on October 17-19, 2008. Last year was a BLAST! Visit our website www.travellercon-usa.com for more info :)

Megan H.
Which airlines are flying into Lancaster? I found the airport website but couldn't figure it out.

And if it's only Cessnas and copters, is it a drag to get there from Harrisburg (or Philadelphia)?
Well, I'm driving up from the Baltimore area early Saturday and back Saturday night. So, if you want a ride from / to BWI, let me know.