Is there a good source of information on this organization and the services it provides, other than scattered one or two paragraph entries on the subject?
The Traveller’s Aid Society (TAS): A few words from Ve Nu Lant, TAS Chief Executive Officer, 145-0008. “In those early years of expansion, many people just packed a bag and headed off into space, hitching rides on scouts, traders, and even warships. It didn’t take long for an informal self-help network on the ‘net to start up, passing Traveller’s tips, places to go to, places to avoid, what to eat, and what not to. So one summer, I collected the stories coming back, and put together the first Crowded Space guides. They were instant hits, but many people needed more practical help. So with a few friends, I set up the Travellers’ Aid Society. We started off with ‘net lectures, devised a simple color code for planet safety, and in Year -16 we opened up our first planetary office. It was a great hit, helping people to get oriented, providing a meeting place and information exchange, and even a few beds for the night. The rest, as they say, is history.”
Kinda conflicts with that whole Octagon Society story, doesn't it. Or perhaps they were competing groups.
Yes please. That's pretty much all I've seen in the editions of Traveller I have.
What kind of facilities/services are standard? Does staying at a TAS hostel have any positive or negative impact on social standing? Buying your way in does cost a cool million credits... does TAS have a credit card for members? /shrug Just looking for a bit of meat on them bones.
Maybe the lack of information is the point, so YOU can decide.
They were different groups. My take is that TAS hadn't reached the fringes yet.
Baron Ovka
I have no idea where parts of the entry came from. (I'm assuming Vu Nu Lant is from T4?)
Didn't GDW do an Imperiallines article on TAS?
I have no idea where parts of the entry came from. (I'm assuming Vu Nu Lant is from T4?)
Didn't GDW do an Imperiallines article on TAS?