It's not perfect, but you now have the ability to edit maps on TravellerWorlds -
When you are looking at a world map, navigate to Map Actions > Edit the current map.
The map is redisplayed with a toolbar on top - all of the possible terrain types you can add. Click on any of the terrain hexes in the toolbar to make that the current terrain you are adding. If it is a 'base' terrain symbol (ocean, clear, mountains, craters, island, forest, swamp, rough and the like) then it will always replace the existing 'base' terrain. If it is a symbol-overlay style (chasm, precipice, city, town, starport, resource, etc.) then it will be added to the hex alongside the base terrain and other terrain. If the symbol is already there, clicking on it with the tool for that symbol will remove it.
Map data is saved along with system data either in your browser (in the drop-down menu) or you can export the data as a JSON file.
In this way, I am hoping that TravellerWorlds proves useful to a Referee who would like the grunt work done for them on the volume of detail, but can still correct or modify things to their tastes.
I'd like to draw particular attention to the borders - they were submitted by David Wendelken who is a member here on CoTI who has generously donated time to understanding the code, spotting bugs and suggesting fixes. Also I'd like to shout out to Spartan159 who has been a persistent correspondent and drawn multiple issues to my attention. I'm afraid that testing consists of two phases: (1) Me breathlessly whispering to myself "it works!" and then uploading it; (2) other people actually using it and finding it doesn't work. So every email I get is valuable feedback.
There are a couple of niggles with this feature that I am still working on:
When you are looking at a world map, navigate to Map Actions > Edit the current map.
The map is redisplayed with a toolbar on top - all of the possible terrain types you can add. Click on any of the terrain hexes in the toolbar to make that the current terrain you are adding. If it is a 'base' terrain symbol (ocean, clear, mountains, craters, island, forest, swamp, rough and the like) then it will always replace the existing 'base' terrain. If it is a symbol-overlay style (chasm, precipice, city, town, starport, resource, etc.) then it will be added to the hex alongside the base terrain and other terrain. If the symbol is already there, clicking on it with the tool for that symbol will remove it.
Map data is saved along with system data either in your browser (in the drop-down menu) or you can export the data as a JSON file.
In this way, I am hoping that TravellerWorlds proves useful to a Referee who would like the grunt work done for them on the volume of detail, but can still correct or modify things to their tastes.
I'd like to draw particular attention to the borders - they were submitted by David Wendelken who is a member here on CoTI who has generously donated time to understanding the code, spotting bugs and suggesting fixes. Also I'd like to shout out to Spartan159 who has been a persistent correspondent and drawn multiple issues to my attention. I'm afraid that testing consists of two phases: (1) Me breathlessly whispering to myself "it works!" and then uploading it; (2) other people actually using it and finding it doesn't work. So every email I get is valuable feedback.
There are a couple of niggles with this feature that I am still working on:
- If you click on the foreground symbol, the browser won't recognise the 'click' - you need to click on the background colour. It's annoying, but I'm working on it.
- If you place a symbol such as a forest or swamp (not available at this level at the generation stage) at the World Map level and then click on it to create a World Hex Map in the usual map viewing mode, it will ignore that base terrain and treat it as clear terrain. This is a consequence of the code previously assuming all terrain was generated rather than edited by the user
- Editing data on Gas Giants - size, name and whether it is an Ice Giant or Small Gas Giant will do for now.
- Clicking on the world hex gives the wrong context hexes on regular map - hangover from the getAdjacentHexes double-generation bug? Or have I just got the assumed order of the neighbours wrong?
- System table: the arrows to change orbits (but not decimal orbit) are counter-intuitive: the "up" arrow moves the orbit down (albeit to a higher orbit number)! Thanks Harry (my son who has just finished his diploma in computer game art)!
- Saving map data on generated World Hexes, Terrain Hexes and Local Hexes
- Include a flag that highlights hexes with more saved detail on higher level maps
- Editing of World Hex, Terrain Hex and Local Hex maps.
- Solution to click-on-symbol problem - add the 'on click' event to every SVG element in a drawn hex? Maybe save the onclick function as a method of the hex to enable it to be passed into the draw method for this.
- Asteroid / Planetoid belt (editable!) details including the Carbonaceous / Stone / Iron-Nickel zones in the style of the MegaTraveller WBH (Marc Miller has assured me I can legally build the software)
- Gas Giant (editable!) details and maps
- Generate & edit Beast Encounter tables - both for the whole world, but also generated for every local Terrain hex when it is generated.
- Local weather and seismic events for every Terrain Hex when generated
- Generate & edit sophonts
- Export the lot to a Google Doc with a reasonably pleasing layout that users can then go and edit to their hearts' content. This allows a better way for users to consolidate data and free text (such as the interesting Boughane situation!).
- Export system and world details to a Google Sheet with built-in formulas so users can analyse changes in an alternative format and muck around with the data.