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Tri-Stat dX free; great system for Traveller use


SOC-14 1K
BESM Traveller conversion notes already appeared online as a JTAS article and you can now get the slightly updated generic form of the game system for BESM for free at


You'll need a free rpgnow.com accout but there's other free stuff there including full versions of Deadlands and Ars Magica!

Download is under 3.5 mb unzipped.

Guardians of Order also released their point-based Anime d20 SRD. IMO well worth a look for T20 homebrews esp. the weapon skills.


Well worth the look in my opinion!

I posted a similar thread regarding T20 use here

And seeing the Tekumel Ad in full color was worth about falling out of my chair!

Tri-Stat/BESM rocks.

During the point in my gaming evolutions where I hated chance based Character Generation systems I became an acolyte of Champions(Hero Sytem) Occasionally buying a gurps supplement to flesh out my outre games or becuase I was a fan of the fiction series (ie Humanx) to which SJG had got the rights.

I discovered BESM at the end run of first Ed. and Bought the 2nd Ed. without hesitation even though my 1st ed. books still had the shiney on them.

Patriotic impulses aside (Guardians of Order is a Canuck company, you GO boys) I bought the games long before I knew the origin.

G.o_O. rocks. Big Eyes Small Mouth (BESM) using D6 only and simple but comprehensive mechanics blows away ANY previous points and budget gaming system AND has a combat system which to my mind, struck a near perfect balance between intense rules and playable simplisty. Before T20 came out I was idly toying with a homebrew conversion.

BESM however is GoO's generic anime game and it's cinematic rules don't convert well. (however if you want real Cinematics you should check out Hong Kong Acation Theatre 2 -- where you play an actor playing a character.) They've since modified their rules, Their Super system uses d10 for example.

And now we have tri-stat dX -- which, though I haven't read it I am eager to. Sight unseen I'm willing to be money this will be a Fantastic generic core rules system. I WILL purchase it the instant I see it in the stores.

I should mention that I think G.o_O. has learned SJG's supplements game well and taken them a logical step further.

Placing all the licensed source material at the front and all the rules in a section that non-gamers can ignore, THEIR supplements tap into the motivation behind many of my GURPS or Traveller supplement purchases and are now styled 'Ultimate Fan Guides'.

Unfortunately for you non-anime fans, most of the those supplments will be of little use.

However, Guardians seems to be expanding with 'dX' and with it's T20 book. They've come along way from their little manga sized rule books back around the turn of the millenium. These guys bear watching.


which is a long way of saying I enthusiatically enourage you to check out the 2 links pasted at the begining of this thread.

pant pant.. all calm now... really.
Originally posted by Garf:
Tri-Stat/BESM rocks.
And now we have tri-stat dX -- which, though I haven't read it I am eager to. Sight unseen I'm willing to be money this will be a Fantastic generic core rules system. I WILL purchase it the instant I see it in the stores.
For starters the dX refers to it no longer being tied to just one type of dice, it now goes from d4 to d20, depending on the game/power level! Also there are plenty of options, from more grit to more cinematic play, good suggestions on playing and running a game, etc.

Excellent material for a free download and a great bargin for $10 for the dead tree version! I picked up two copies for $1 each at Origins. :cool: :D

THEIR supplements tap into the motivation behind many of my GURPS or Traveller supplement purchases and are now styled 'Ultimate Fan Guides'.

Unfortunately for you non-anime fans, most of the those supplments will be of little use.
Well they are fan guides to a particular show or movie. I'm looking forward to BESM Dungeon and Space Opera, not to mention d20 Mecha and the Slayers RPG.

These guys bear watching.
Along with their new Magnum Opus imprint line. I can't wait for Zeppelin Age from Heliograph, who recently reprinted Space 1889 and several books of a fanzine for similar games.

Oh just a reminder sophonts, anime is a medium, not a single genre.
I've seen several Traveller-esque animes and have read "hard" SF manga. (2001 Nights for example)

Anime is indeed a medium.

Nothing sets my teeth on edge so much as to say you're an anime fan and have somone say "oh so it's like that pokeman stuff"

that's like saying you like movies (thinking sundance or classics or National Film Board) and having someone say "so that's like Charlie's Angels 2"

or maybe to bring it more home. being a traveller fan Die Hard CT'er and having someone ask you how many trolls you've killed because you're into 'that D&D stuff'
Originally posted by Casey:
I've seen several Traveller-esque animes and have read "hard" SF manga. (2001 Nights for example)

Casey [/QB]
Hallelujah!! I've finally found someone else apart from me who has read 2001 Nights!!! (I think they're bloody fantastic, myself. Hell, I read them for inspiration sometimes) :D :D :D
Originally posted by Evil Dr Ganymede:
Hallelujah!! I've finally found someone else apart from me who has read 2001 Nights!!!
Very cool. I did some digging and realized I no longer have all the issues and likely never did. Fortunately the series still seems to be available. Highly recommended. :cool:

Originally posted by Casey:
Very cool. I did some digging and realized I no longer have all the issues and likely never did. Fortunately the series still seems to be available. Highly recommended. :cool:

Casey [/QB]
Yeah. I got the last two issues when they came out (and they got kinda burned into my brain, they were so good). Years pass, and then purely by chance I find the trade paperbacks, which totally blew me away. The art is gorgeous and highly evocative and the stories are incredible. Links to the books on amazon.com are below:

Book 1: 2001 Nights

Book 2: Journey Beyond Tomorrow

Book 3: Children of Earth
Also, JTAS posted an article for converting Traveller to BESM a while back called, Vast Imperium - Bold Travellers. It has a character conversion system for classic Traveller and some sample ships (Scout, Free Trader etc) converted to Big Mecha. You can find it here:

JTAS Traveller-BESM article

Though you'll need to be a member to access the page.

Hrm. I didn't spot that in the archives
. I wonder if it's still compatible with dX Tristat...
Originally posted by Evil Dr Ganymede:
Hrm. I didn't spot that in the archives
. I wonder if it's still compatible with dX Tristat...
I would guess: Yes.

Tristat is a generic evolution of BESM so. I'm pretty certain.
Originally posted by thrash:
Rather than let Scarecrow violate his subscriber's agreement, anyone who is interested in seeing the article should write me thrash@io.com. Since I'm the copyright holder, I can share as I choose.
Um, really? JTAS says they buy all electronic rights.
Garf (and others),

BESM is using TriStat-d6 and the now free TriStat-dX is just that, but you can now choose what die to use. BESM uses X = 6.

They are for all practical purposes the same, but some extras from SAS are included if you like to add them.

So dX is BESM, just think X=6.
Originally posted by thrash:
That said, a $20 subscription to JTAS gets you not only this article, but more than 500 in the archives and 150 new ones over the life of your subscription. It's well worth the money:

http://jtas.sjgames.com [/QB]
Not to mention access to the discussion boards (99% signal, 1% noise), and the upcoming GT playtests. And the subscription lasts 2 years too. Damn good value for money, I think.
I'd much rather they'd sell access to individual issues rather than to individual articles.
I think it will not happen for the same reasons as usual in such situations. Micropayments doesn't pay (pun un-intended), apparently.