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Trying to grok CharGen


I supported both T5 Kickstarts as Traveller has been a friend since the fall of 1978. I count Marc as a friend unmet, along with his co-workers over the years.

Coming primarily from a Classic and Mega Traveller playing background, am having a little difficulty wending my way through the T5 character generation.

Anyone have a checklist pathway or tip sheet to follow?

If you'd like, PM me and I'll send an email address to receive guidance.

Thanks in advance.

PS: Really just started looking into T5, even though I have the Big Black Book. Health got in the way culminating with about of pancreatic cancer over the course of 2015. As for that, am 4 1/2 years clear.
I haven't checked Hemdian's flowcharts against T5.10 changes, but they're probably still pretty close to correct. I will eventually update my app. Working through my apps now, GunMaker has been updated and I'm working on ArmorMaker now.