I found this article on Under Water cities. It includes some wonderful artwork and it could be very usefully to provide players.
I found this article on Under Water cities. It includes some wonderful artwork and it could be very usefully to provide players.
There's a two fairly "well known" CGI arcology renderings upon which those images are based. I can't seem to find either of them now, but will post some links later on if I do.
I remember back about 1970 reading The Whole Earth Catalog and seeing futuristic architecture... I think the guy drawing it was Paoli. I tried several web searches and couldn't find much on futuristic designs by him.
I remember back about 1970 reading The Whole Earth Catalog and seeing futuristic architecture... I think the guy drawing it was Paoli. I tried several web searches and couldn't find much on futuristic designs by him.
repulsor technology was retconned out of the game
I found this article on Under Water cities. It includes some wonderful artwork and it could be very usefully to provide players.