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[Universe II] Updates Go Here


SOC-14 1K
I just thought I'd make a handy, easy-to-find thread for Hemdian to give us updates about Universe II :-)

Now I can find out how the version two is going, which I am not sure how I feel about this as I just got Universe I (BITS finally had a copy, might still have five left. I had to get it as it is never there all other times I checked...).

So once I get my copy of TU and play with it, I suppose I will understand just how cool TUII will be right? :)
I just thought I'd make a handy, easy-to-find thread for Hemdian to give us updates about Universe II :-)

Well, this caught me a little off guard, but I suppose that while I work on getting Universe 2 ready I can give out some information here.

The original aim was to produce the ultimate mapping and note organising tool ... broken into three stages. The first stage was to reproduce the functionality found in Galactic (Jim V’s excellent DOS-based program). This was Universe 1. The second stage was to add the system generation functionality found in Stuart Fenris’s program Heaven & Earth. The third stage was to build in functionality to control minor NPC actions and other aspects. This is still the road map I am working to.

Universe 1 was written in VB6 and used the InterBase database engine. It has become readily apparent that these technologies won’t support the project going forward. For one thing there is difficulty running on Vista. For another, the internal structure made certain enhancements problematic. Thus the decision was made that Universe 2, while still blending Galactic and HE, would be a complete rewrite from the ground up (this time using C#.NET and MS SQL Server).

It is intended that Universe 2 will run on current versions of Windows. That is, Windows 7, Vista, and XP. Anything else is bonus.

Universe 2 has been styled as if it were part of the MS Office 2007 suite.

One major change that wasn’t on the original road map is a redesign of the security model. Universe 1 had a separate database for each campaign and allowed for a referee and a player log in. However, this didn’t take into account when a referee wanted to use the same campaign universe for more than one group. Universe 2 allows each ‘campaign’ to have a referee and multiple players (or player groups). In addition to each player group having their own set of private notes, sectors can be made visible to them on a case by case basis. This was a user requested change.

Also in Universe 1 individual systems had an ‘explored’ flag that would control whether or not that system’s UWP information was visible. In Universe 2 this has been replaced with ‘knowledge level’ that ranges from system not known to full knowledge (this is per player group). This should prove useful when running an exploration game. (Level 0 means the system doesn’t even appear on the map. Level 1 means the players know there is a system in the hex but know nothing about it. Level 2 means the system contents ... gas giants, etc, ... have been detected. Level 3 means the mainworld’s physical stats are known but not the social. Level 4 means social stats are known as well.)

Player groups can be added, deleted, toggles active/inactive, cloned (with or without notes), and merged.

Another change in Universe 2 was to make the campaign’s physical structure (how may parsecs in a sector and subsector) parameter driven. It’s not been fully tested yet but it is hoped that this will facilitate non-OTU games (eg. 10x10 hexes to a subsector, and 5x5 subsectors to a sector are possible). This was a user requested change.

Some database functions were performed by a separate program in Universe 1 called TUmanager. In Universe 2 these functions have been integrated into the main program.

In Universe 1, loading an external sector file was a single step process that ended with the production of a notepad report listing which systems had failed to load. But in Universe 2 the external sector is loaded into a grid and errors indicated. This grid can edited so that errors can be dealt with before the final load is completed.

There is built-in support for T5 (so far that means a choice of classic or T5 trade codes).

There are a myriad of lesser changes too. Basically every aspect of the original design is being re-examined and tweaked. Improved usability, improved performance.

Still in being developed:
  • The ability to import from Galactic SAR files (basically ZIP files) is still missing.

  • The DGP extensions to Book 6 system generation (Grand Survey/Grand Census, and World Builders Handbook) are off limits for copyright reasons. So I am in the process of designing my own equivalents. Some stuff (like the relationship between radius, volume, mass, density, surface gravity, etc) are okay because they are real world, but things like actually setting the density is out because it was based on a DGP table (I need to make my own, similar but different, table). Nothing major, but still, it’s another thing that needs doing, and it needs to be compatible with the DGP stuff.

  • I’m trying to understand 3D graphics so I can render each solar system ... showing planetary positions based on date.

  • Installation and auto-patching still need to be looked at.

  • And I’d like the ability to share individually detailed systems via the internet. Ie. Before generating a system the program should check the online database for other people’s published versions (with referee notes) and offer that as a first choice.

It’s clear I’m not going to make my Christmas deadline and I don’t have a new date yet. But I may be able to save time by pulling out some features and releasing them later in a free patch.
I take it that Mongoose Trade Codes are off-limits? If that is the case, a user-input field for "generic codes" would be helpful. I think that was already part of U1.

As for being caught off-guard... I haven't pestered you in months! You had to realize this was coming ;-) Either way, it sounds EXCELLENT!
I take it that Mongoose Trade Codes are off-limits? If that is the case, a user-input field for "generic codes" would be helpful. I think that was already part of U1.

As for being caught off-guard... I haven't pestered you in months! You had to realize this was coming ;-) Either way, it sounds EXCELLENT!

Per the Mongoose Traveller Trademark License, ANY software involving MGT requires a non-open license arranged separately. In short, no "fan software" for MGT.
[*]The DGP extensions to Book 6 system generation (Grand Survey/Grand Census, and World Builders Handbook) are off limits for copyright reasons. So I am in the process of designing my own equivalents. Some stuff (like the relationship between radius, volume, mass, density, surface gravity, etc) are okay because they are real world, but things like actually setting the density is out because it was based on a DGP table (I need to make my own, similar but different, table). Nothing major, but still, it’s another thing that needs doing, and it needs to be compatible with the DGP stuff.

You can't copyright the rules, so putting the WBH and/or GS/GS rules into Universe II is not a problem as long as you don't use the same text that they did in the book to explain them. And as you are not explaining them (just using them) that won't be a problem either.

I say this for two reasons; firstly because it's true, and secondly because I'd like to see WBH rules in Universe II.

Best Regards,

Might I suggest a different solution to the DGP question?

Contact me at don.mckinney@gmail.com; perhaps we can get Roger Sanger to give you permission to reference DGP items, so there's no question at all?
I take it that Mongoose Trade Codes are off-limits? If that is the case, a user-input field for "generic codes" would be helpful. I think that was already part of U1.

A note on definitions: I classify the comments in a UWP as either trade codes or remarks.
  • Trade codes have specific rules that govern them. For example, ‘As’ is the code for asteroid belt and is defined as a mainworld where size=0, atmos=0, and hydro=0.

  • Anything else is a remark. For example, ‘Cp’ is the code for a capitol and it is up to the referee to designate it.
In both U1 and U2 the database record for a system contains a boolean flag for each trade code and three remark fields. When a system is imported the comments field is parsed and unrecognised comments are assumed to be remarks, the rest is thrown away. When a system is added or updated then all the trade code flags are reset according to the rules. (So if you were to give a non-asteroid world an ‘As’ code in an external sector file, when you imported it the ‘As’ would be lost and the ‘As’ flag would not be set.)

Now what you put in a remark field is entirely up to you. If that happens to be an MgT trade code that’s up to you. But remember that it won’t be updated automatically, like a ‘real’ trade code, if you change any of the underlying characteristics.

As for being caught off-guard... I haven't pestered you in months! You had to realize this was coming ;-) Either way, it sounds EXCELLENT!

Actually, I think I was more caught off-guard by just how close Christmas is. :eek:
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The DGP extensions to Book 6 system generation (Grand Survey/Grand Census, and World Builders Handbook) are off limits for copyright reasons.

Have you checked that with Marc?

That's reminded me: I built the T5 support some time ago thinking the final version of T5 would be out by now. But it occurs to me that if the final version of T5 isn’t out by the time U2 is ready that I might need special permission from Marc for that before worrying about DGP.
You can't copyright the rules, so putting the WBH and/or GS/GS rules into Universe II is not a problem as long as you don't use the same text that they did in the book to explain them. And as you are not explaining them (just using them) that won't be a problem either.

Thanks Ewan. But even if that is technically correct (and I'm no expert) I think I'd feel more comfortable following DonM's suggestion. (For reasons of etiquette as much as legality.)
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And this would also apply to the Mongoose Traveller rules as well. However, the question isn't whether you legally can do it, the question is whether you can afford to fight the resulting lawsuit.
And this would also apply to the Mongoose Traveller rules as well. However, the question isn't whether you legally can do it, the question is whether you can afford to fight the resulting lawsuit.

I suppose that’s true. But with MgT there is an added wrinkle: Universe is published through BITS, and Andy Lily (head man at BITS) is keen to support MgT. So no way could I put anything into U2 that would upset Mongoose regardless of the legality.

Having talked (very briefly) with Matt I suspect what will happen is once U2 is published and Mongoose can look it over I might get permission to add MgT support ... rolled out as a free patch.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter what I can and can’t do legally, my intention is to play fair. So even if I’m technically allowed to do something doesn’t mean I will.
Will there be support for TNE governemtn stats and possible to place other things than systems on a hex?
For instance, one of the sub sectors listings (I don't remember which book at the moment, and I don't have them handy) contains a rock used as a way point for the RCES if I don't remember wrongly.

I woiuld also like to see the possibility to have several UWP's for a system based on campaign period. Specially helpful for those who plays in a Hard Times campaign where UWPs are subject to change as opposed to a more static CT campaign.
Changes of UWP may be tied to specific dates.
Thanks Ewan. But even if that is technically correct (and I'm no expert) I think I'd feel more comfortable following DonM's suggestion. (For reasons of etiquette as much as legality.)

O ... much better to get permission of course. And as to the MGT issue they would be silly to say no, as UII is likey to be fantastic ... :-)


Will there be support for TNE governemtn stats and possible to place other things than systems on a hex?

Not coded yet but on the todo list.

I woiuld also like to see the possibility to have several UWP's for a system based on campaign period.

Not in the plan. Hmmm ... with all 'campaigns' in the same physical database now I may be able to create a script that migrates users from one 'campaign' to another, you could have the different UWPs in each 'campaign'. (That's assuming just listing the different UWPs in the referee notes is insufficient.)
And this would also apply to the Mongoose Traveller rules as well. However, the question isn't whether you legally can do it, the question is whether you can afford to fight the resulting lawsuit.

Ture. I deliberatly didn't bring up MGT for this very reason. Beacuse of Mongoose's stand on fan material they would almost _have_ to sue _even_ if they were going to lose, just to defend their position.

Better to show them an outstanding product and then ask permission. The problem with that is that they might still say no because BITS is a rival publisher, even if it is cutting off their nose to spite their face. And it's not Peter that will be sued, it's BITS.


The problem with that is that they might still say no because BITS is a rival publisher

Not strictly true. BITS whole raison d'être was to support Traveller ... primarily through running events and demos at conventions. Publishing is a secondary activity. Originally, that meant working in conjunction with Imperium Games (BITS started with the launch of T4), and more recently Andy has worked hard to cultivate a good working relationship between BITS and Mongoose. BITS is not a rival.

So BITS won’t do anything to upset Mongoose ... not because they are afraid of legal action, but because they don’t want to harm their relationship. And while Universe predates Mongoose’s Traveller involvement, development of Universe 2 must remain sensitive to this.