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Universe or HE files for Gateway to Destiny


SOC-14 1K
Anyone have IEL or HE files for the UWP's in "Gateway to Destiny" that I can import into Universe?

Really don't want to do it all by hand.
They're still in the File Library.

There are the SEC Files that Flynn originally posted and Hunter moved over from the old site. There are also a couple of PDFs I produced from Universe. A screen version and a printer friendly version.

I've still got the Universe entries, I'll produce a backup and post that in the same area as the SEC files so you can import directly in to Universe.
The Universe file is in the File Library. It's a zipped GBK backup file. You'll have to import it using the Universe Manager tool.
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Valarian, I meant to ask last time I saw these: how come you didn't set the alignment of any empty hexes ... so the borders join up? Was that just to hightlight all the J1 mains?

(In the original TU database I did this, and set the X-boat links, for the Spinward Marches ... but didn't for other sectors because I was, er, too lazy.)
The way I see it, only the systems themselves are part of the Imperium. The Imperial Navy isn't going to patrol all of the empty space between the systems. It's here that pirates and other undesirables can hide out.
The way I see it, only the systems themselves are part of the Imperium. The Imperial Navy isn't going to patrol all of the empty space between the systems. It's here that pirates and other undesirables can hide out.

Interesting. I hadn't thought of it like that, instead blindly going for consistence with canon. But I see where you are coming from. Hmmm ... aren’t you confusing ‘claimed’ with ‘enforced’? And what about deep space stations ... refuelling stations, calibration points, etc. Wouldn’t they be Imperial (or whatever)?

(Note to self: Galactic could handle non-system objects. Make sure Universe2 supports these too.)
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It is also easier to see which systems are controlled by whom. With the larger borders, it can get difficult to see systems controlled by one or other faction. The Imperial stations and refuelling points would indeed also be controlled space, rather than uncontrolled space. I would imagine that there would be a Naval presence as well, especially as most of these would be Imperial research or military stations. It'd be great if Universe 2 could include these non-system objects.

How's Universe 2 coming anyway? If you need a beta tester on Windows XP, let me know.
How's Universe 2 coming anyway? If you need a beta tester on Windows XP, let me know.

I don't have a list of preferred candidates for the beta test but if I did then your name would already be on it.

As for how its coming on ... for some time Universe 2 was essentially vapourware. Not any more. There's still a lot of work to do but what there is is starting to look impressive. I don't want to commit to a deadline and then have it repeatedly slip, however I wouldn't be surprised if beta testing were to start autumn 2009.
Sounds good to me, it's difficult to maintain a major project like this with a full time job as well. Let me know when you get around to the testing phases.