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Unusual Planetary Power Systems


SOC-14 1K
I found this article about generating electricity straight out of humid air.

If we followed the developmental arcs of the Tech Stages in the BBB (2 from memory - I'm at work right now) then this could be an unusual or exotic form of green power by TL12. At higher levels, they may be bioengineered to grow themselves into something analogous to trees, network via root systems, and allow for a connection point to link up with a local power grid.

What unusual planetary power generation systems have you used in your games? What are your thoughts on the one reported on here?
I built a geothermal tap into the re-purposed Octagon Shelter on Rangent (non-canon, of course).
Well in today's earth we already have the beginnings of a way to collect power from the air. Ever been on the roof of a tall building? they have lightening rods every 2m or so. Currently they are wired to a low impedance path to ground. One could make heavy duty zeener diodes to shunt oh let's say 50,000 volts or higher to ground, but under 50,000V goes into a 60,000V rated capacitor bank. Have the capactor bank feed into a battery bank to drain it's charge and get ready for the next strike. Battery bank sells power onto the grid.

Reflec shield.