I like the range of skills brought in by advanced chargen, but I don't like the skill bloat that seems to result.
Tonight I had a brain wave. Why not let players generating basic CT characters roll for skills from advanced chargen tables?
Let's say Sharik Ghan has just enrolled in the Army. Makes survival, then achieves commission and promotion.
Ghan first takes basic training (1 level of Combat Rifleman) and advanced training. As an Army soldier, the player could choose from Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry or Support MOS tables and roll for a skill.
At the Ref's option, the character might then have to stick with the same MOS all the way through chargen; possibly unless s/he re-rolls enlistment, which could allow a switch in MOS.
Ghan then rolls a skill each for commission and promotion. The player might choose the MOS tables; army life; or officer skills (staff or command).
Enlistment, survival, promotion etc. is as per regular CT basic chargen. The only difference is rolling skills from Books 4-7, not from the one-page table in Book 1.
I'm sure I'm not the first to have thought of it...
Edit: it's no help to Other or Supp 4 careers though.
Tonight I had a brain wave. Why not let players generating basic CT characters roll for skills from advanced chargen tables?
Let's say Sharik Ghan has just enrolled in the Army. Makes survival, then achieves commission and promotion.
Ghan first takes basic training (1 level of Combat Rifleman) and advanced training. As an Army soldier, the player could choose from Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry or Support MOS tables and roll for a skill.
At the Ref's option, the character might then have to stick with the same MOS all the way through chargen; possibly unless s/he re-rolls enlistment, which could allow a switch in MOS.
Ghan then rolls a skill each for commission and promotion. The player might choose the MOS tables; army life; or officer skills (staff or command).
Enlistment, survival, promotion etc. is as per regular CT basic chargen. The only difference is rolling skills from Books 4-7, not from the one-page table in Book 1.
I'm sure I'm not the first to have thought of it...
Edit: it's no help to Other or Supp 4 careers though.