Hiya Justin,
You asked:
Are you going to to the mapping in 3d or in 2d?
The first point was to see if I could come up with a system - or use an existing system that was developed to lay out the stars in a similar 2d pattern to that which already exists on the various Traveller maps.
Once I got a handle on a system/existing system then I/users could adjust the stars into the 3rd dimension.
Over the last 6 hours, I've had a go at understanding how Astrosynthesis plots it's stars/coordinates. It is based on a tried and true method of X,Y,Z - identical to what is found in 3D software packages like 3D Studio Max/Softimage/Maya/4D Cinema.
So instead of mucking about and causing any unnecessary confusion, I decided to use the well known XY coordinate plane from a basic grid network used in Algebra/Calculus.
X = Left to Right
Y= Up and Down
Z= Depth
1) My first decision was to figure out how big to make each sector, so I went with an exact duplicate to one sector on a Traveller map - i.e., 8X10. After a bit of calibration, I wound up settling on 7.5 hexes wide by 10.25 hexes long. In Astrosynthesis, I set these values by going to SECTOR-SECTOR PROPERTIES. Then on the Sector Setup and Grids tabs input the following identical values.
X: 7.5
Y: 10.25
Z: 8
2) I had to figure out a system to map each hex on a sector map that correlated with the 0,0,0 that Astro Used. So, after a bit of experimentation, I settled on a range of numbers that included .5 as the basis. Thus:
X: -3.5 to 3.5
Y: 5.0 to -4.5
Z: -3.5 to 3.5 (Set to 4 for the time being)
NOTE: The Zed number can be altered later on to change the map from 2d to 3d.
With whole numbers this seemed confusing at first, so the reason for the use of a .5 system was so I could map the 1/2 step down that the even columns on the Traveller Map are offset from the Odd columns.
Included below is the grid I used with coordinate system in place:
3) Then, I went through and grabbed each system from the Cronor sector of The Imperial Fringe. I placed them into a spreadsheet, and applied the proper numbers (once I figured out exactly how each direction in Astro worked).
A crop of this sector is included for your perusal:
4) At this point I've got all the systems in the Cronor sector on the grid, but they are currently "pinned" there with markers. Which means I still have to go back through and edit each system and change them from "marker" to whatever is actually there. Stars, planets, population, etc.
The following image shows all the systems in the sector - prior to editing each one:
5) I added in the X-Boat Route for the systems in this sector. They'll continue on once all sectors are done and they are imported into the campaign map. I've included a yellow sphere of influence around Narval and Quar so that they more closely match the Traveller map. Lastly, I've changed the colors of the labels on all the sytems, and added in the Zhodani Consolate Marker in yellow.
I've not found a way to create outlining shades around specific sections (blue, BUT in the grand scheme of things I don't know if its that important.