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Using Traveller for other settings.

I'm curious : Does anyone used any of the traveller rules, form the old black books to T20, as rules for a Sci-Fi game with your own homebrew setting or for universes inspired from various sources ? If you did, how did it worked out ?

Thank you for your time.
Several years ago, My brother and I co-refereed a game using the Traveller rules in the setting of Frank Herbert's Dune series, after Maud'dib takes over the empire from Shaddam IV... It in a word, ruled... We had six players... A face dancer, 2 bene gesserit, a mentat, and two fremen... It involved a lot of "local" travel to the other planets of the Great Houses... we played for a year until we all had to do foolish things like go to college, etc... an awesome game to say the least, as we had wealth of information to draw from for the background...

Good question, what?

Last year I played a Fringerworthy campaign using Megatraveller rules. To adapt Traveller character generation to early XXI century technology, the referee made common sense modifications, such as replacing Vacc Suit with Scuba diving and so on.

Fringerworthy is a game with a very cool setting where players' characters explore other dimensions through a series of portals controled by an international agency.

I played two adventures, one featuring a industrial Earth where any petroleum derivative was destroyed in hours by some biological agent and another placed in a medieval Earth where Jerusalem was nuked by an alien invasion force mistoken by dragons. Cool scenarios! I enjoyed them a lot and the rules worked pretty well.
Oh, in the dim and distant I ran a lot not in the OTU. The only thing that was coherent enough to describe as a setting was a version of Blake's 7 but alas, I can remmeber very little and the notes went west over a decade ago.

I have the beginnings of an adaptation of B5 to my CT/MT/T4 hybrid, and the later incarantaion of "the Nearer Stars" (my homegrown 2300/CoC game) used a stripped down version of CT/DGP.

Moving away from the OTU is easiest with FF&S: it explicitly deals with variant technologies, but since I loathe the GDW house system (and never got a copy of the T4 version) I have never used it in anger. Variant FTL drives are probably the most obvious difference between settings, but given the core simplicity of CT/MT/T4 with thought it can be adapted to a very wide range of settings successfully. Certainly "San Jacinto" (the last game in my "the Nearer Stars" setting) worked very well.

Personally, I'd love to see a coherent write up of C J Cherryh's Alliance - Union - Compact books as a Traveller setting: the tech level is _ideal_ for Traveller, the culture (communications at the speed of ships) is very Traveller and teh gritty feel an excellent fit IMO...
I ran a mini-campaign once based on the movies "Alien" and "Aliens" in which the players were Imperial Marines out on bug hunts.

It rocked.
I've run a game based on an old computer game, System shock 2 (without the nano mods). Wound up coming to a halt mid-game due to an unexpected deployment, but the group really enjoyed it.

Originally posted by Horatio Hex:
I'm curious : Does anyone used any of the traveller rules, form the old black books to T20, as rules for a Sci-Fi game with your own homebrew setting or for universes inspired from various sources ? If you did, how did it worked out ?

Thank you for your time.
I'm in the process building a homebrew universe.

Part of the process involved creating a generic sol subsector which is now archived at:


Feel free to use it yourselves.

I've still got a folder full of notes for my 'Vicinity Cluster' campaign, that started off being influenced by the Piers Antony book (mainly 'cos I liked the title,) but then gained elements of other books ('The Centauri Device' by M.John Harrison and the superb 'Dying of the Light' by George R Martin.) Still work on it from time to time, but the problem is the old nostalgia for Aramis, Rhylanor, Yorbund, Regina etc. where I 'cut my scifi gaming teeth' back in the '70's (Wot, me ancient?)
Currently Im working on a T20 setting that will include Mechs(Mechwarrior), Justin Winter(Zaon) artwork and Warhammer 40k elements. Its going to take awhile to come up with all the stats, but think it will be well worth it. Still havent figured how the new machines will mesh with the Traveller setting but think the final outcome will please my gaming group.
We are all new to Traveller, and I think the above elements will give the group a real hook to get into this new T20 game.
The idea at the moment is to start off small then build the world/galaxy around the events of the campaign. Hopefully creating something close to the OTU, but that is fresh and appealling to all involved.
Personally im really impressed by the new T20 game and hope that Open Game Content of traveller gets other publishers to develop supplements to complement and personalize any kind of T20 campaign. Cause this sure seems to be the best rule set and foundation for any Sci-Fi setting.
Since posting the above, and in light of the fact that I've now got all the FFE CT reprints, I've dusted off the campaign notes and am currently going through a fresh development phase. Also, I'm working on a proper draft of my solo system (see previous Threads) and MTU is being 'playtested' as I write it.
Since posting the above, and in light of the fact that I've now got all the FFE CT reprints, I've dusted off the campaign notes and am currently going through a fresh development phase. Also, I'm working on a proper draft of my solo system (see previous Threads) and MTU is being 'playtested' as I write it.
I'm designing my own, using a society that fell from tl20 to tl15, after contacting and trying to integrate humans. I need some maps, though, of the Zhodani Core Expeditions.
I have not done so yet but I have considered running a Morrow Project game using the T20 Rules or maybe using the Spycraft or d20 Modern rules.