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Vehicle Design Sequence Control System and Battery Questions


SOC-14 1K
Hello everyone,

Okay, in the thread "Does anyone know how to make vehicles and robots for T20?" gentloser, I believe posted a design for a grav bike. I checked the design using the Vehicle Design Sequence and came up with a couple of questions.

On p. 236 of the THB in the text for Manned Control System the rule states that "If the operator is to ride on the outside of the vehicle, (e.g. on a motorcycle or grav bike) the control space size and cost is the same as for a remote-control system."

The first line for Remote-control systems states: "A vehicle that will be operated remotely requires only 10% of the chassis size and there is minimum size required."

How can the Remote-control systems require only 10% of chassis volume and have no minimum size rquirement?

My interpretation is that the 10% of chassis volume is the minimum size required for a remote-control system. I would like to suggest changing the sentence from:

"A vehicle that will be operated remotely requires only 10% of the chassis size and there is minimum size required."


"A vehicle that will be operated remotely requires only 10% of the chassis size and is the minimum size required."

Next: How is battery cost and volume determined?

My interpretation of the rules are that 1 battery can store 1 EP that is discharged at a rate of 1 EP per hour. In the first text example a battery designed for to provide 1 EP every hour for 24 hours has a storage capacity of 24 EPs. If the battery is a TL 11 Modern battery cost is 24 x Cr0.30 = Cr7.2 and has a volume of 24 x0.04 vl = 0.96 vl.

In the grav bike example gentloser gives this information:

Battery - "I will fit a 5EP modern battery at a cost of 150cr and take up 0.2vl (you never know when you will want a few extra hours power)."

My understanding of the above is that gentloser selected a modern battery storing 5 EPs of power. Looking at the table on THB p. 241 1 EP x 5 x Cr0.30 = Cr1.5 and a volume of 5 x 0.04 vl = 0.2 vl. My cost is off by 150/1.5 = 100, while volume matches. If the cost is based on a 5 EP discharge rate every hour for 100 hours (5 x Cr0.30 x 100 = 1.5 x 100 = Cr150) then the volume would be 5 x 0.04 vl x 100 = 0.20 x 100 = 20 vl.

Could someone please clarify how Vehicle Batteries cost, volume, EP, and discharge rating actually work?

Very confused and in need of help.
Evening Thomas, second question first since it is the easier, maybe :confused:

Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Does anyone know how to make vehicles and robots for T20?

Hello everyone,

How is battery cost and volume determined?

Could someone please clarify how Vehicle Batteries cost, volume, EP, and discharge rating actually work?

Very confused and in need of help.
Your interpretation is correct as I read it too. I thought the values had been eratta corrected to the values in the text not the table, however its not it the current errata and the only reference (and obviously the one I recall) is posted here. That would change things of course. I suppose you could reverse engineer a design with a battery if there are any to check in T20.

Even if there is no appropriate example there is a lot to be learned by tearing apart a published design and trying to fit it to the design rules. This is the mark (or one at least) of the true gearhead
You might not get it to work but you should be able to make some guesses about where the designer strayed from the system and why. It could be a matter of interpretation, or choice, or a simple math error like slipping a decimal. You might find a design to post as errata found or maybe a problem with the design system itself but in the end you will have learned more than you could by simply reading the design system and trying to build one. Short of a good sample build with plenty of reference to the design system there's no better, quicker way imo to learn it.
Hello far-trader,

Thanks for the feedback and sorry about the first line, which should have been deleted. I had to start my post 3 times since I was having power problems while typing. After the third time I copied to notepad and completed the pos Instead of reviewing I posted my plea for help.

Well, for once I was not totally out in an unknown field somewhere. Again thanks for the reponse and assistance.

Originally posted by far-trader:
Evening Thomas, second question first since it is the easier, maybe :confused:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Does anyone know how to make vehicles and robots for T20?

Hello everyone,

How is battery cost and volume determined?

Could someone please clarify how Vehicle Batteries cost, volume, EP, and discharge rating actually work?

Very confused and in need of help.
Your interpretation is correct as I read it too. I thought the values had been eratta corrected to the values in the text not the table, however its not it the current eratta and the only reference (and obviously the one I recall) is posted here. That would change things of course. I suppose you could reverse engineer a design with a battery if there are any to check in T20.

Even if there is no appropriate example there is a lot to be learned by tearing apart a published design and trying to fit it to the design rules. This is the mark (or one at least) of the true gearhead
You might not get it to work but you should be able to make some guesses about where the designer strayed from the system and why. It could be a matter of interpretation, or choice, or a simple math error like slipping a decimal. You might find a design to post as eratta found or maybe a problem with the design system itself but in the end you will have learned more than you could by simply reading the design system and trying to build one. Short of a good sample build with plenty of reference to the design system there's no better, quicker way imo to learn it.