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General Vendor 'Bots?

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
You step out of your RoboTaxi and a Vendor 'Bot rolls up to you.

"Greetings, Citizen! Would you like a refreshing drink? Please select 'Hot' or 'Cold'."

You tap a selection and insert your Credit stick.

"Thank you for your selection. Be careful, Citizen, it's Hot."

'Mmm, Terran Cofi on a cool night'. you think.. You take a sip and see a Groat Burger 'Bot heading towards you, and you hear an Ice Cream 'Bot's music a street over with kids cheering and laughing.

I don't think I'd ever cook a meal if there were Vendor 'Bots around. They are just getting going with Delivery 'Bots right now.

Do you have Vendor 'Bots in your game?
Sounds extraordinarily annoying. Because it won't just be one bot, but several. Crowding around you whenever you get out of your vehicle.

"Oops, you seem to have tripped, sir. Would you enjoy a fresh sterile dressing?" says the Band-Aid bot after its push you over.

No problem with automated hot dog carts on the corners, but they better not start chasing me.

We do have an Ice Cream truck that comes by on Sundays, and we get ice cream from there eveyr couple weeks or so. Save for having to run out of the house to wave 'em down, it's fine.

That said, I used to live in an area where the Ice Cream truck came every. single. day. And, yea, it got old.
I have always imagined Automated food vendors would be like pop-up food vendors now. They show up where it makes sense. There is a dance night club about eight blocks from my home, on most weeknights there is nothing there, but on Friday or Saturday Nights, there are a half dozen roach coaches and pop-up vendors near the club.

I could also see how automated vendor bots could be summoned to specific locations as needed. A construction crew working on a building refurbishment could call one/some while they are there, but the bots would not show once the construction crew is gone. It feels like the robotic/automated vendors could replace the human vendors in some cases we already have now.
They show up where it makes sense. There is a dance night club about eight blocks from my home, on most weeknights there is nothing there, but on Friday or Saturday Nights, there are a half dozen roach coaches and pop-up vendors near the club.
When I left a concert I went to last year, there were at least a 1/2 dozen cart vendors outside, all selling the same thing (basically grilled sausage sandwiches). Not sure how many got any actual business, but there they were, giving it a go. The property management obviously tolerated them.
When I left a concert I went to last year, there were at least a 1/2 dozen cart vendors outside, all selling the same thing (basically grilled sausage sandwiches). Not sure how many got any actual business, but there they were, giving it a go. The property management obviously tolerated them.
Now that is another idea for a Bot Miniature.
They show up where it makes sense.
At night in Korea you get pocha (from pojangmacha meaning covered wagon) which are like mobile food carts that set up and have seating. They usually stay open until very late/early and as well as serving street food staples like tteokbokki and chicken skewers sell booze and anju (food that goes with booze).

I can imagine in the future having automated pochas that serve food (service stations on the major highways are getting rather close to this) and drink to company men heading home after (totally not mandatory and volunary in everyway honest) overtime.
Sounds extraordinarily annoying. Because it won't just be one bot, but several. Crowding around you whenever you get out of your vehicle.

"Oops, you seem to have tripped, sir. Would you enjoy a fresh sterile dressing?" says the Band-Aid bot after its push you over.

No problem with automated hot dog carts on the corners, but they better not start chasing me.

We do have an Ice Cream truck that comes by on Sundays, and we get ice cream from there eveyr couple weeks or so. Save for having to run out of the house to wave 'em down, it's fine.

That said, I used to live in an area where the Ice Cream truck came every. single. day. And, yea, it got old.
I don't see that becoming a problem. After all, they've probably been cataloguing your purchasing behavior, so they probably know whether you're likely to buy if they accost you on exiting the vehicle and, if so, what products you're most likely to buy. They probably even know what voice works best on you and what your favorite color and themes are so the unit that comes up is ideally suited to you - 'cause they've got that chameleon coat that can take on the color and pattern you prefer. I can just see something walking up with a screen displaying a pretty individual of the appropriate gender, dressed to your tastes, speaking to you in a sultry voice and suggesting something you might like.

Also licensing. Licensing is a good way to limit how many are allowed to approach you and where. Governments can make some good money with licensing.
I remember a few Vendor Bot scenes in Robotech.

One was a scene where a younger cousin and a vendor bot were trying to get to each other while the older cousin was doing their best to keep them apart.

The other was two of the main characters were trapped in a part of the SDF-1 during an attack, and there was a vendor bot trying to get to them to sell it's products, while the two characters were trying to get the vendor bot to go find help. Both sides ended up being out of luck.