I did a design excercise - what is the "minimum" size for a small craft (ie what is the smallest fighter and what is it's performance)
It turns out to be remarkably good.
Bridge 4
Hardpoint 1
Computer 1
So if the Power/Maneuver/Fuel takes up 1 space, then it will be 7dT.
I only allowed 1 week fuel (no staterooms so this isn;t a problem)
A TL 15 Fusion plant may be able to put out 1 and a bit EP's (ie 1 plus enough for maneuver) however I don;t imagine you can expect to power lasers so the power needs to be the Manuever plus 0.07 EP per Maneuver - for max agility.
It turns out that :-
----------Power Plant-- Fuel----Maneuver-- free
TL 7 -------0.14--------0.0175--0.14 (1G) 0.7025
TL 7 -------0.28--------0.035---0.35 (2G) 0.335
TL 8 -------0.42--------0.0525--0.56 (3G)-0.0325
TL 9 -------0.21--------0.035---0.35 (2G) 0.405
TL 9 -------0.305-------0.0525--0.56 (3G) 0.0825
TL 9 -------0.42--------0.07----0.77 (4G)-0.26
TL 13-------0.14--------0.035---0.35 (2G) 0.475
TL 13-------0.21--------0.0525--0.56 (3G) 0.1775
TL 13-------0.28--------0.07----0.77 (4G)-0.12
TL 15-------0.07--------0.0175--0.35 (2G) 0.5625
TL 15-------0.105-------0.02625-0.56 (3G) 0.30875
TL 15-------0.14--------0.035---0.77 (4G) 0.055
TL 15-------0.175-------0.04375-0.98 (5G)-0.19875
There is no way that you can squeeze enough power to drive a 5G plant into this hull
At TL 7, a 2G agility 2 AR 3 fighter is feasible.
At TL 8, a 3G agility 3 fighter has a reduced endurance (2.5 days)
At TL 9, the 3G fighter has a week+ fuel alternatively the 2G fighter has AR $
At TL 13, the reduction in power plant size allows either AR 5 at 2G (agility 2) or AR 1 at agility 3/3G or agility 0/4G with a reduced endurance (notice the lower agility - endurance is a day)
At TL 15, AR 7 at 2G, or AR 3 at agility3/3G or agility4/4G
Why would you ever field such a pathetic vessel - first up it is incredibly cheap. A TL 13 3G needle version costs 3.58MCr - plus turret/weapons
That makes it one of the few ships in known space where the weapons cost more than a third of the price.
Secondly, bulk missiles can still swamp defences. If they are a pure missile platform, 10 fighters can fire the Missiles with a USP of 7! That is good value for money (even if they can only do it three times)
In keeping with the price policy, I would probably equip them with a sandcaster plus a missile turret. They will only be engageing from long range so use the snadcasters as point defence agianst enemy missiles. Once all the missiles have been fired, scatter - they can;t get you all. Return to your planetary base and refuel.
ALternatively, rather than armour them, give them missile magazines!
Remember that nuclear missiles do 5d6 +1 per USP so even a single missile at TL13 does 7d6 if it hits! So the exchange rate should work out reasonably well even if you don;t do the step up again to Bomp pumped lasers.
Remember the actual ordinance is a significant fraction of the per unit cost! so they will probably be equiped with Normal missiles.
So there you have it - 7dT makes a fighter that has a suprising sting. More useful for comerce raiding perhaps, but still useful.
It turns out to be remarkably good.
Bridge 4
Hardpoint 1
Computer 1
So if the Power/Maneuver/Fuel takes up 1 space, then it will be 7dT.
I only allowed 1 week fuel (no staterooms so this isn;t a problem)
A TL 15 Fusion plant may be able to put out 1 and a bit EP's (ie 1 plus enough for maneuver) however I don;t imagine you can expect to power lasers so the power needs to be the Manuever plus 0.07 EP per Maneuver - for max agility.
It turns out that :-
----------Power Plant-- Fuel----Maneuver-- free
TL 7 -------0.14--------0.0175--0.14 (1G) 0.7025
TL 7 -------0.28--------0.035---0.35 (2G) 0.335
TL 8 -------0.42--------0.0525--0.56 (3G)-0.0325
TL 9 -------0.21--------0.035---0.35 (2G) 0.405
TL 9 -------0.305-------0.0525--0.56 (3G) 0.0825
TL 9 -------0.42--------0.07----0.77 (4G)-0.26
TL 13-------0.14--------0.035---0.35 (2G) 0.475
TL 13-------0.21--------0.0525--0.56 (3G) 0.1775
TL 13-------0.28--------0.07----0.77 (4G)-0.12
TL 15-------0.07--------0.0175--0.35 (2G) 0.5625
TL 15-------0.105-------0.02625-0.56 (3G) 0.30875
TL 15-------0.14--------0.035---0.77 (4G) 0.055
TL 15-------0.175-------0.04375-0.98 (5G)-0.19875
There is no way that you can squeeze enough power to drive a 5G plant into this hull
At TL 7, a 2G agility 2 AR 3 fighter is feasible.
At TL 8, a 3G agility 3 fighter has a reduced endurance (2.5 days)
At TL 9, the 3G fighter has a week+ fuel alternatively the 2G fighter has AR $
At TL 13, the reduction in power plant size allows either AR 5 at 2G (agility 2) or AR 1 at agility 3/3G or agility 0/4G with a reduced endurance (notice the lower agility - endurance is a day)
At TL 15, AR 7 at 2G, or AR 3 at agility3/3G or agility4/4G
Why would you ever field such a pathetic vessel - first up it is incredibly cheap. A TL 13 3G needle version costs 3.58MCr - plus turret/weapons
That makes it one of the few ships in known space where the weapons cost more than a third of the price.
Secondly, bulk missiles can still swamp defences. If they are a pure missile platform, 10 fighters can fire the Missiles with a USP of 7! That is good value for money (even if they can only do it three times)
In keeping with the price policy, I would probably equip them with a sandcaster plus a missile turret. They will only be engageing from long range so use the snadcasters as point defence agianst enemy missiles. Once all the missiles have been fired, scatter - they can;t get you all. Return to your planetary base and refuel.
ALternatively, rather than armour them, give them missile magazines!
Remember that nuclear missiles do 5d6 +1 per USP so even a single missile at TL13 does 7d6 if it hits! So the exchange rate should work out reasonably well even if you don;t do the step up again to Bomp pumped lasers.
Remember the actual ordinance is a significant fraction of the per unit cost! so they will probably be equiped with Normal missiles.
So there you have it - 7dT makes a fighter that has a suprising sting. More useful for comerce raiding perhaps, but still useful.