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Vilani Translation Help


Peer of the Realm
The name my players picked for their ship is . . . Starjammer. I don't hate it, but I would be vastly more enthusiastic if I convinced myself it's a translation of a nice Vilani name. I'm fascinated by the Vilani Grammar and Glossary, but my linguistics courses are a couple of decades in the rearview mirror, and I'm not too proud to admit that I can't quite follow the grammar discussion. (I've sworn to myself I will not re-learn syntax and morphology just to make up a single fake word for my spaceman game, which is usually what I swear right before I do something like relearn syntax and morphology.)

I like the Vilani noun se.ri for star and don't care about directly translating "jammer." The motion verb shaan, "dive, coast, fly ballistically," seems nice.

I just need to weld these too pieces together. Any Vilani scholar care to help a fellow out?
They don't have a female Aslan First Mate, by chance?

You could do worse that Shaanseri, or Shaansiri, or even acknowledge the other use of "star" and use Shaansirk.