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"Vland, We Have No Problem..." The First Vilani Spacecraft...

My Lords...

Submitted for your perusal at the link below are a series of 6 images of the Dari Kamnam Ginii (Tr. "Sky Ocean Ship") The First Vilani Spacecraft. Circa -10,011 by the Imperial Calendar...


The model is scratchbuilt at 1/72 Scale... some of the shots are intentionally fuzzy... though I only have access to a Camera that shoots at 72 DPI...


I've said this before, and I'll say it again:

"He's a nutter, Wot!" ;)

Impressive work. The Bilandin was a nice touch.
Good Sweet Strephon!

M'lud Gushiddan, you've done it again! And down to the last jot & tittle of the oh-so-correct Bilandin script!

Care to tackle Vlands' first jump vessel next?

Next on the docket Good Whipsnade, is my home systems Jump one version of the "Mayflower" in 288th scale... it is for the next JTAS contest, e'en though it be irrelelavent in those trials... but i would love to build the first jump ship... any sugesstions as to structure?
The good Baron wrote:

"... but i would love to build the first jump ship... any sugesstions as to structure?"


A dispersed structure definitely - a spindly, erector-set with lots of mysterious pods, housings, and torii that screams research project.

Either that or a retro-fitted STL slowboat. MT's Vilani & Vargr states that the Vilani had an interstellar STL exploration and colonization effort running out to ~6 parsecs before they developed jump. Testing jump drive in a STL vessel would fit the Vilani mindset(1); if it mis-jumped it could still get home.


1 - Mull over the early Vilani exploration of Vland. Food is hard to come by and must be extensively processed. Explorers will go out with enough supplies to (hopefully) get back home. Like aircraft with 'bingo' fuel, early Vilani explorers will have 'bingo' food!
Now contrast that idea with exploration on Earth. Aside from a few marginal areas; the poles, deserts, etc., even as outsiders we could always count on finding something to eat and the locals there could still feed us. Because of that fact, our species spread across the face of the planet while at TL0. ForEx: The Aborigenes reached Australia about 40K BCE and there have been modern humans living in New Guineau longer than western Europe!
I think spacecraft would have slowly "evolved" on Vland so that the first inventer would be unknown. Afterall aren't they so old fashioned that they say any new invention of theirs is an application of something old? Of course the curiosities involved in this might make for a great story. Why did they go into space? A disaster? Political turmoil with the refugees flying off like Aeneas(Trojan refugee who founded Rome). Endless possiblities.
The good Baron asked:

"So the First Jump ship would be built in space, by that token?"


I'd say yes. By the time they invent jump, most of not all Vilani spacecraft will be built in orbit and/or space. Terran too; jump drive there was developed as a way to move around the Belt - a singular failure from that standpoint!

I'll dig out V&V later today and post the numbers, but the Vilani had been in space some time prior to developing jump drive. They had quite a STL exploration and colonization effort going.

jatay3 wrote:

"Afterall aren't they so old fashioned that they say any new invention of theirs is an application of something old?"

Mr. Jatay,

Ah! Don't confuse the Vilani of that time with the Vilani of the Interstellar War period or the Vilani of the 57th Century. Being human means they're curious, only a cultural patina can effect that.

"Of course the curiosities involved in this might make for a great story. Why did they go into space? A disaster? Political turmoil with the refugees flying off like Aeneas(Trojan refugee who founded Rome). Endless possiblities."

True, but don't forget their homeworld is an Ancient site. They have legends of operating Ancient warbots and other devices, plus remnant of the same. If any, that will make them want to 'scout' around the neighborhood.

I often wondered if that passive Ancient influence was a factor in early developemnts on thier part... I wonder how we would be as a culture on earth, if there was a Giant robot or UFO sticking out of the Ocean...
Well, they had PROOF POSITIVE that, at least for a while, they were NOT alone in the universe...

and by being genetically unrelated to most life on vland, they needed little help developing medicine early... sepsis is much less likely...

Now, the easiest shape probably would have been a ball... maybe a bit irregular, but basically a ball... minimum grid needed... and probably sent out with a couple years worth of food. And automated beond what the rules allow.... ;)