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Wanted--Primitive Aliens


SOC-14 1K
Primitive alien races eagerly sought to populate my Neo Anglian Commonwealth campaign. I need dozens of primitive (TL3-, though a few can be TL4), alien races to populate my universe. If you help me out, I'll give my undying gratitude, but no money. I'll also give you credit for the race.

EDITED: Mine is a Classic Traveller universe. However, I'll take stats in whatever system you have. For that matter, a good description will do; I don't mind working up the stats myself.

EDITED: I'll edit this post from time to time to note which aliens are definitely in and which I am strongly considering.

Definitely In:
Fmir (need different name)

Goblins (need different name and some interesting differences between them and stereotypical FRPG goblins)
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If you're using the T20 rules, try delving in to the D&D3e SRD monsters. I created a TL7 native race based on Hobgoblins. The stats are fairly easy to convert to T20.

Other monster races would also also make good aliens.
Dwarves - humanoid race from a high gravity world
Kobolds - humanoid race evolved from lizard-like creatures
Phasm - amorphous alien race of shapechangers (would probably be TL12+ with their average intelligence)
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The Fimir, once a part of the Warhammer Fantasy World but dropped for whatever reasons made sense at the time, are a good candidate as well. Large, clannish, matriarchal, monocular, vaguely humanoid in shape but attenuated enough to pass as alien (short legs, big body, long skinny arms, elongated head). The few minis go for gold prices, but they'll all be pretty primitive.
Maybe he is looking for NEW and UNIQUE aliens that are not obvious knock-offs from other games?

How about:

The THYSK (Thysk is both the singular and the plural form):

The Thysk are hexapodal mammals evolved from Pack Hunter/Gatherers. They are NOT centaurs, they walk on two legs and have four arms. The upper arms are bigger and have evolved for holding things. The lower arms (called inner arms by the Thysk) are smaller and more delicate and are used for fine motor manipulation. The upper arms are not long enough to allow quadraped style locomotion, although they used to be.

They have dual opposible thumbs on each hand with 2 fingers in between. So each hand is thumb-finger-finger-thumb. They can tie shoelaces with one hand. They average about 1.5m tall with females being slightly taller, but thinner than the males.

Their skin and hair colors are based on blue rather than brown like humans. Skin can be very light blue, almost white to dark blue, almost black. Hair tends to middle blue colors with very light and very dark being much rarer. They have no facial hair, but the hair on their heads extends in a thin line down the spine and out to a small 6-inch or shorter tail.

STR: 2d6-1
DEX: 2d6+2
END: 2d6-1
INT: 2d6
EDU: 1d6
SS: 1d6 (representing their colonial Status, within their own culture they use 2d6)
PSI: None (There are no known Thysk Psions)

Thysk are psionically dead, meaning that they should be treated as having the Telepathic Shield at all times at no cost. They have no other psionic powers.

To humans the Thysk are an odd mixture of playfulness and industriousness. They love playing jokes on each other (and on humans that they know well) but they are never really malicious or harmful. Joke-telling is an art form to the Thysk. On the other hand, they are very industrious and seem to delight in working on small, delicate things. They are often employed by the Company to manufacture and repair Electronics and Mechanical devices. When they work, they work hard; when they play, they play hard. While they are moderately inquisitive, they don't have any great racial drive to improve their technology. They will use an improved method if it is obviously better than what they have, but they do not embrace new technology for it's own sake.

Thysk prefer cooler, drier climates than do Humans, although they can live in any climate that a human can. Thysk are found on several planets scattered in one subsector. They have no legends or anything else that would indicate that at some time they were more advanced or had contact with any other starfaring race. Also, there are no ruins on any of the worlds in the area indicating that there had ever been a spacefaring race there.

Thysk societies vary almost as much as humans do with one major exception. Thysk societies, and families, are always Matriarchal. Women are the head of the pack and hold most leadership positions within any society or government. While there is normally not any sexual discrimination against the men, men tend to leave politics to the women and go about their jobs.

While humans tend to regard Thysk as having human emotions and motivations, this is only partly true. Thysk are not humans in blue suits.

Thysk do not have a word for LOVE and their definition of LIKE only extends to "I like this food" not "I like you". They are pack animals at the core. In any group of Thysk there is always one and only one leader. That leader is almost always female. If a group of Thysk are thrown together at random it only takes them a few minutes to organize themselves into a group with an obviously leader. Humans still do not understand how they do it since violence does not seem to be part of the process. They sit down, look at each other quietly for a couple of minutes, then get up and follow the designated leader. If two groups come together, the two leaders repeat the looking process and one emerges as the leader without conflict. This bond within the pack replaces the individual bond humans call love. Thysk packs are never larger than 10 individuals. If a group has more than 10 Thysk, it will split into two groups naturally, sometimes with two completely different leaders. This process is very frustrating for humans when trying to deal with a large group of Thysk since the groups tend to merge and fracture at (to humans) unexpected times with leaders emerging and then disappearing back into the pack structure.

Males are the hunters and females tend to stay home. Females are also the organizers, hence the rise of matriarchal cultures. An all male or all female group will still have a natural leader that will submerge back into the pack and become subordinate to a new leader (unless they are the new leader) when a new pack is encountered.

Individuals will move from pack to pack with infants travelling with their mother until they are old enough to go off on their own. There are no long-term relationships within Thysk society.

The Thysk are Polyurnal, meaning that they do not sleep on a normal day or night cycle. They tend to take 2-3 hour naps several times a day at irregular times. Within a pack, different individuals will be sleeping at different times, but there will always be one adult awake.

Thysk treat humans as if they were from another pack. They are polite and neutral. Friendship with a Thysk is a one-sided relationship since they are not hardwired the way humans are. They CAN be loyal, but that loyalty is not based on liking or loving the human but on something else that humans still do not understand.

Thysk governments often seem chaotic to humans but they work for the Thysk. Groups larger than the Pack form based on shared ideology and beliefs. These larger groups will usually form the basis of a settlement. Since Thysk societies prior to contact with Humans were primitive, governmental organizations above the City-State size never formed.

After contact with humans, their existing government form has been encouraged by the Company allowing for greater exploitation.

Thysk vary between TL0 and TL2 prior to contact with Humans. On those worlds contacted, some have progressed as high as TL5 and individuals can be found on Company ships working in secondary rolls to humans. The Company has been very careful to keep the details of nuclear power and gravitics away from the Thysk.

Use or abuse this race as you like.
Are these supposed to be new races? Or are ones mentioned in Traveller publications such as Behind the Claw etc OK. I ask because several people, myself included did detailed workups of aliens as part of the Traveller Landgrab process but in many cases the origins of the race may be from existing Traveller material.
They love playing jokes on each other (and on humans that they know well) but they are never really malicious or harmful.
The Company has been very careful to keep the details of nuclear power and gravitics away from the Thysk.
I should hope so! Just what you need are prankster aliens around the fusion plant.... :nonono:

Cool race, though, plank!
Thanks and please keep them coming. I need dozens and dozens. I don't mind classic Traveller aliens or redos of fantasy monsters. So far, the Thysk is definitely in. I will consider Goblins. Even if I don't officially use them, it's a capital idea to look to FRPGs for inspiration. In a pinch, that could be a lifesaver. The Fmir is a neat idea as well, and I have dozens of the miniatures from Heroquest.

Definitely In
Fmir (though I need a good name)

Goblins (again, a good name and some non-stereotypical traits perhaps)

Again, thanks muchly for the suggestions. The Commonwealth campaign is really coming together and I am billing it to my players as the best campaign in 20 years...
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I created a race of clannish natives a while back, from the planet Druma though I never got around to naming them - Drumans?
Basically TL-0 human stock, though perhaps a little shorter, they perceive no need of technology as Druma is a garden world and they live a comfortable hunter-gatherer lifestyle, obtaining their medicines etc from nature. (Think Native Americans).
IMTU I had them get annoyed by any suggestion of life beyond the stars. This is the unassailable abode of their gods and the players had to describe themselves as travellers from a far land.
They have one particular talent; although they are not psionic (chances as per humans) they are naturally gifted at reading body language, and can make assessments of visitors that border on telepathy. They can read emotions with ease and can probably pick out suspicious characters or tensions within the players party by subliminal tell-tales that are generally uncontrollable.
Their talents allow them to diffuse discontent before it reaches warfare, and they have little concept of privacy and personal space. They are quite likely to simply wander into your starship if you leave the hatch open. Their weapons are for hunting and are essentially stone-age. They have some primitive metallurgy and create ornaments of copper and bronze but have no desire to create a 'bronze-age civilization'.
They look on human technology in much the same way as your pet dog does. They will happily make use of any comforts it provides, but they have no interest in how or why it works, or any inclination to reproduce it. If you provide them with a modular shelter, they'll use it, but otherwise they'll erect a tent. If the microwave you gave them stops working, they'll bring some sticks in and build a fire in it. If it's not warm enough, they might bring some sticks in anyway...
I should hope so! Just what you need are prankster aliens around the fusion plant.... :nonono:

Cool race, though, plank!

For inspiration for the Thysk, I have to thank CJ Cherryh's Atevi. They are a strange variation that came to me in a dream.

Remember, the Thysk would not blow up the Fusion Plant, but they might change the Injector calibration so that the gentle thrumming of the power plant now thrums to the beat of the #1 song on the New Anglian's Top Forty...

Giving nuclear technology to any primitive society would be bad Company policy. I'm sure there is some kind of "Prime Directive" that prevents that from happening (most of the time). Poul Anderson's Dominic Flandry books give lots of examples of what happens when primtives are given star travel. Bad things, very bad things...