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Wanted - Traveller Spaceship Minis


I'm looking for a few of the RAFM (sometimes seen them listed as FASA too), Traveller spaceship minis, e.g.:

5801 Scout/Courier

5805 Free Trader

5808 Subsidized Merchant

5813 Shuttle

Mega Minis, or Ad Astra Pinnaces

Ad Astra Beowulf

If anyone has any of the above to sell, that are in very good or better condition, please let me know what you have, quantities, and what you want for them.

You can reach me at the following e-mail address:

rkentjr AT Hotmail (d0t} c o m
For that matter, I wonder if someone (other than Shapeways) has tried producing 3D-Printer render models for printing these iconic ships?

I suppose our resident 3D artists are our primary resources here.
For that matter, I wonder if someone (other than Shapeways) has tried producing 3D-Printer render models for printing these iconic ships?

I suppose our resident 3D artists are our primary resources here.

It's shocking how fast 3D printers have progressed on the resolution front. I remember only a scant few years ago seeing some rough-looking printed objects and thinking, "Eh, this'll never be useful for miniatures!" Cut to a week or so ago, a friend showed me a couple 25mm scale minis he had printed up, and WOW! After painting, you'd never be able to tell they weren't traditionally cast.

As far as 3D artistry goes, one would hope the talented soul behind the "Traveller Illustrated" website might be persuaded to offer up a few of his excellent renderings:

Thanks for the tip.

Yes, I have a few of the AA ships, and am looking forward to their new Close Escort release.

Sadly though, for Adventure class ships, the pickings are rather slim, which is why I'm also looking for the smaller, older range of Traveller ship minis.

A pity the larger, resin ones were never shipped to many of those that tried to buy them, and/or that actually paid for them in advance.

I wanted some of those as well. At least I was fortunate enough to get my money back on that bad decision, unlike many others.
The close escort has been out for a while as have the new Aslan ships. Ad Astra seems inept at shipping to individuals, but Noble Knight Games seems to have a large stock of them on hand. I didn't know about any resin ships. Did they intend to do more of the adventure-class ships in resin at some point?
Sadly though, for Adventure class ships, the pickings are rather slim, which is why I'm also looking for the smaller, older range of Traveller ship minis.

Right now I am in the middle of collecting a set of figures suitable for Adventure Class Ships. I set a scale of 1/1500 and am working from there. Thus as a figure is acquired I figure out its rough volume then either design or assign Traveller statistics from there. 200 dTon ships are averaging around 25mm in length.

It is starting to look like I will end up making some of the more Iconic vessels when the urge takes me, but right now works as is a fine method.