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War and Peace campaigns...


Actually, this isn't really such a massive campaign. It's just an ideal that I have had kicking around for a while: finally, I decided to put it on site as a story, so others can use it.



Birthdome, Royal Dome Network, Hev CityGroup
Shendia Province, Stellar Republic of Masionia Masionia/Masionia, 154-1072

As the joyous crowds celebrated in the Outer Dome, the Inner Dome rung with the sounds of fine zither music, gentle and soothing. Perhaps 600 women (and eight carefully chosen men) milled about in the regal dome, awaiting the Presentation of the Heir.

Finally, the proud papa of the Heir stepped out of the elevator, escorted by two Vargr males, clothed in the gold/red/blue livery of the Duchess Masionia. The crowd of well-wishers, observers, and friends fell silent: only the zithers could be heard now.

"Friends of the Emperor, allies and kinsmen; citizens of the Republic, fellow sophonts! I present to you my son, Taj Jamaliah 'wov Henkeisax 'wovi Eahisa. All rise and rejoice!"

The zithers were replaced with booming, metallic percussion instruments as the 3-day-old Heir was held high by his father. The frightened childs' screams and wails were drowned out by the crowd, stamping and shouting in approval.

After several minutes, the crowd quieted down (as did little Taj) and all waited for the KingPriest of Shienda Province to speak.

"You know how we have regained our glory - how, as one people, we have made our numbers greater than before the Wars, our technology more advanced than before the Wars, our wealth vaster than before the Wars, and the might of our fleet more feared than before the Wars. Now, let us petition the Emperor's nobility to let us completely wipe out the stain of sorrow and strife, by regaining our lost world of Fearonia! Let *this* be the birthright of First Prince Taj - may he bring all our peoples under the rightful, lawful rule of the KingPriests!"


The TalkPoint, the Town of Jabarl
The Second Union of Tesb
Tesb/Ahrhi, 002-1092

Representative Andr: "You *must* be joking."

Herald of Interstellar Affairs: "I wish I was. But it's real - Masionia is going to send a fleet to bring us back under their rule."

Rep. Andr: "But why? They are over 200 parsecs away! They haven't said a word to us in over a century - and the KingPriests don't even rule there anymore!"

Hearld of IA: "True - Masionia is a democracy now, and the KingPriests have lost most of their power. But one way or another, the majority of their people there are convinced that they have the right to recolonize us. They voted for it, according to our latest information. And they have started calling our world Fearonia again, as in the days of the Throne of Swords."

Representative Henion: "And how old is this info?"

Hearld of IA: "About a year."

Observer Akonki: "Could they financially do this? Do they have the military strength?"

Hearld of IA: "The money side looks to be dicey - it won't be easy for them to pay for it, especially when their ships leave Lunion sector. But if they are serious enough... yes, they can pay it, at least the up-front costs of invasion. Militarily, it is definitely doable - we simply can't afford to put up a decent defence, even if we went deeply into debt."

Rep. Henion: "Surely some other worlds in the subsector can help defend us?"

Herald of IA: "Sure, some could - but what they would ask would make us their colony, instead of a colony of Masionia. And frankly, if I must be colonized, I would rather have the colonizer be as far away as possible."

Rep. Heoj: "And better that conqueror be blood-relatives, as well. Better the devil you know, and all that."

Seinor Representative Jabiox: "So we are to welcome our old overlords with open arms? Perhaps you have forgotten why we fought for independence in the first place?"

Ob. Akonki: "I think that I aready know the answer to this question - but what about the Duke? The Imperium could stop this dead, if the nobles wanted to."

Herald of IA: "If Masionia had a history of rebellion against the Imperium, or of violating the Rules of War, we would have a chance - but they have always been Good Little Imperials. They are rich, and we are poor - the Nobility won't stand in their way."

Ob. Akonki: "Masionia is at the other side of the Imperium - how do they plan to effectively rule us? Even if they drove us off the planet - a violation of the Laws of War - they still couldn't effectively rule us!"

Herald if IA: "I don't know. I simply don't have all the pieces."

Sr. Rep. Jabiox: "One thing at a time. We might be certain to lose, but we will resist them *if* they make it here. Even if we bankrupt ourselves hiring starmercs, we will fight. In the meantime, let's petition the Sector Duke..."


On board the _Sword of Justice_, a 1000-dton TL E starmerc warship.
In orbit around Tesb/Ahrhi, 302-1096

"You know we won't win a fight against what they are sending."

The CO/Mercenary owner and his XO again looked over the 'best guess' specs of the Masionian force. Two 5,000-ton warships; one 3,000-dton carrier with 6 starfighters; five 100-dton scoutships, and four 10,000-dton troop carriers, each with 800 men plus equipment. Not including six civilian cargo ships, and any mercs they hire en route.

At this point - six months before their estimated arrival - things could still shift quickly for the better. For several months in 1094, the First Expeditionary Fleet of the Stellar Republic of Masionia was stalled at Hamid in Core Sector. Their money had run out, and it seemed that noble favor to their cause has also run dry.

But somehow, they got rolling again, creeping slowly and steadily to Tesb. A few incidents worked to stall the hammer of doom, but never for long. Now, they were only 35-40 parsecs away, according to best intelligence.

As the enemy fleet drew closer, the information Tesb gained on them increased in density and accuracy - but brought few smiles. The best hope for defeating them still lay in geting either neighbouring worlds to 'lend a hand' or getting the Imperium to act.

But now, most of their neighbours were convinced that they had nothing to lose - and perhaps something to gain - if Masionia regained their long-lost colony. And unoffically, the Noble grapevine let it be known that the Emperor felt the Tesb system was a fine reward for a loyal high-pop world. Already, some members of the press were referring to Tesb by her old, Masionian name of Fearonia.

The CO of _Sword of Justice_ could only take comfort that the coming conflict would be fought under the Rules of War - so he had a small hope of having ship and crew come thru this alive. Also, the Masionian ships were all at TL C - if he could stretch his tech advantage, he might give them sucha bloody nose that they won't press their advantage, and slow their operational tempo. This would give the Tesb ground/antispace defense more time to hinder the attack, and resist the ground invasion.


The TalkPoint, the Town of Jabarl
The Holy Kingdom of Fearonia
Fearonia/Ahrhi, 181-1097

FirstPrince Taj, now 25 years old, stood in his newly-conquered city. The TalkPoint - the old ruling forum of the previous government - was being renovated to be his palace. The damage done at the last few days before surrender was already being repaired, and already there was talk of releasing his prisoners ahead of schedule.

It was at once an easier and a harder fight than was expected. The defenders of the system - three 500-dton SDB's, led by a high-tech 1000-dton warship - were soundly defeated after a month-long chase around the inner system. Unexpectedly for mercs, they fought very hard - the 1000-tonner and an SDB fought until utterly destroyed, and the two other SDB's only surrendered after their ships were beaten to shattered hulks. The losses he took - the carrier, and medium damage on the 5,000 ton _StarStrike_ - was on the high side, but sustainable. If he lost any of the troopships, on the other hand...

...but he didn't. As it was, defeating the ground forces were actually easier than he expected. Most of the world was siezed far ahead of schedule, and the weak guerilla actions launched by the locals quickly fizzled out. But he didn't expect that seizing the capital city would be such a trial. After all, the defenders were only at TL 7 - what could they do against men (and Vargrs) with plasma rifles, real combat armour and grav vehicles?

As it was, plenty - especially when supplemented with certain high-tech gizmos, wisely used and husbanded. More than once in the final month of fighting, he considered just laying siege to the city, and risk an Imperial reprimand. But Senior Tactician Jamaion came thru, and now here he stood, on his new world.

What next? Healing and peace for the natives - his people now, whenever they like it or not. A Whispering Forest to be planted, for communion with the Holy One. A request for financial aid to Masionia, for funds to raise his world to TL A at least. Repairs for his ships, R&R for his men, and a meeting with the subsector Duke, laying the groundwork for his own appointment to the Imperial Nobility.

Finally, he will have to send a bittersweet mesage to daddy. He has the world he was sent to take, and the last ugly scar of the Wars has been healed at last. But he has to stay here, and uphold his new responsibilities. He will have to abdicate his position as FirstPrince of Shendia - a homeland he left five years ago, and will likely never see again.

(taken from http://www.rossmack.com

Masionia - B130943-C, located at Lishun 1114 (Masionia Subsector)

Tesb - D77A544-7, located at Old Expanses 2403 (Ahrhi Subsector)

Hamid - B876AEJ-A, located at Core 2125 (Hamid Subsector)

"The Wars" - a major civil/culture war within the Masionian culture: from c.980 to c.1030 Imperial