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What are your favorite keywords for Traveller?


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
I'm thinking about a keyword index for Traveller. We all have favorite words we've searched for on forums and in PDFs. What are yours? Yes, I'm assembling a list of ... oh call it 100 words.

And maybe not super-saturated terms. So for instance "Traveller" is not one. I'm not even sure "jump" is a meaningful keyword (we talk about it ALL THE TIME so....)

Your thoughts?


I've written scripts that search through and analyze TML and Xboat posts from 1988 through 1999. I was thinking of adding in a keyword list to each post, and wondering what keywords would be useful for winnowing searches.


(Total TML posts stored is a bit over 100,000.)

  2576 entries with: adventures
  1335 entries with: ancients
   481 entries with: chargen
  8851 entries with: combat
   570 entries with: deck plans
  1239 entries with: deckplans
   869 entries with: drop tank
  1104 entries with: economy
  2451 entries with: gun combat
     3 entries with: jump shadow
  1270 entries with: megacorp
   277 entries with: near c
  2595 entries with: piracy
  1001 entries with: psionics
  1313 entries with: robots
   883 entries with: ship combat
  3640 entries with: skills
    21 entries with: space operation
   138 entries with: speculative cargo
  3752 entries with: starport
  1465 entries with: task system
  5253 entries with: vehicle
  3554 entries with: vilani
  8967 entries with: weapons

The ones with large return sets need to be winnowed with additional terms.
Last edited:
I can require multiple keywords to be present in a post. We can winnow searching down that way.
As an example, here is one of the 21 results returned when searching for "space_operation".

Note that the string matched against in the text was actually "jumpspace operation", but that's ok.

Source:  TML1998/TDB00B99.TXT
Date:    Tue, 24 Nov 1998 13:35:34  0600
From:    Andrew Akins igor@truserve.com
Subject: Khushdakaa class light freighter (again)

I was working on the deck plans for this ship, and it didn't look the way I
liked. So, I changed the configuration, which changed the mass, whiched
changed the engines, which changed the price, etc....

Here's the new version (maybe the last...maybe?):

Khushdakaa class Light Frieghter

Designed by Udararuukin

FF&S Statistics

  Tons: 100std (SL Long Box Hypersonic).
  Volume: 1400m3.
  Mass (L/C nominal): 1300t/660t.
  Dimensions: 22.3m x 11.2m x 5.6m.
  Size: 8.
  Crew: 2/2.
  Passengers High/Med: 0/2.
  Passengers Low/Emerg: 0/0.
  Troops/Science: 0/0.
  Frozen Watch: 0.
  Cargo: 45std (0/4 /Hdl:2x10ton).
  Price: 17.551Cr. (includes 20% standard design discount).
  Maintenance Points: 23.
  Tech Level: 12.

  Controls: Dynamic, High automation.
    3xComp (CM:1.0 CP:1.0). No bridge.
  Communications: 1xRadio (50,000km, 0.02MW).
    1xLaser (500,000km, 0MW).
  Base Sensors: 1xPEMS (12.5 [1.6mkm], 0MW). 1xAEMS (4, 0.01MW).
  Signatures: Vis: -0.5, IR: -0.5, Act: 0, Neu: -1, Grav: 0.

  1xEmpty 42m3 turret

  Jump: 1 (10std/pc fuel).
  Maneuver (L/C): 1/1.9 (/Thruster: 31MW).
  Contra Grav (L/C): 0.5/1 (11MW).
  Atmospheric (L/C): 1806kph/3388kph (/Crus:1355kph/2541kph).
  Power: 1 (/Fusion:42MW, 1yr).
  Battery: 16 (38.1/5.4/5.3).
  Fuel: 10.5 (/Scoop:3 /Purification: 5hr, 1MW).
  Accomodations: 0/4/0/0/0.
  Life Support: 16 (/Type:Standard, normal food. /Storage).
  G-Compensation: 1G.
  Armor: 10 [29]
  Structure: 6

  1xShip's Locker (0.05std).
  2xOrdinary Galley (Cap:2).
  1xDocking Umbilical.

Small Craft
  1xDocking Slip (2std air/raft).


Economic Profile (Yearly)

Purchase Price: 17,550,734Cr
Down Payment: 3,510,147Cr
Charter Potential: 57,600Cr

Expenses        Full Load    80% Load    50% Load
Ship's Payment   914,101Cr   914,101Cr   914,101Cr
Maintenance       17,551Cr    17,551Cr    17,551Cr
Fuel              26,125Cr    26,125Cr    26,125Cr
Salaries         158,400Cr   158,400Cr   158,400Cr
Life Support     200,000Cr   200,000Cr   150,000Cr
Berthing           5,000Cr     5,000Cr     5,000Cr
Subtotal       1,321,176Cr 1,321,176Cr 1,271,178Cr

Income          Full Load    80% Load    50% Load
Middle Passage   400,000Cr   400,000Cr   200,000Cr
Freight        1,100,000Cr   875,000Cr   550,000Cr
Subtotal       1,500,000Cr 1,275,000Cr   750,000Cr

Profit/Loss      178,824Cr   -46,176Cr  -521,176Cr


Udararuukin is pleased to announce the launching of its newest
freighter, the Khushdakaa class light freighter. Designed for
the individual merchant in mind, the Khushdakaa (Vilani for
"Opportunity") is a small design capable of being operated by a
single individual (the normal crew complement, a pilot and a
navigator, can be replaced with an indivudal handling both jobs).
This makes it perfect for the enterprising captain wishing to ply
the space lanes in search of profit and adventure. The small size
also makes the Khushdakaa extremely affordable: with standard 20%
discounts (normal for mass produced designs) the ship costs less
than 18MCr.

Even though it is small and inexpensive, the Khushdakaa performs
admirably. Nearly forty-five percent of its volume is devoted to
cargo space (in the form of four 11 ton cargo bays and a single 1
ton luggage bay), allowing plenty of room for speculative trading.
The craft has four staterooms - two on the command deck, and two
on the cargo deck. The freighter is designed to allow two passengers
in meager comfort on the cargo deck, while the upper staterooms
are used for the crew. If the ship is operated by a single individual,
the twin crew staterooms can be combined into a larger room/office
suite. The ship has complete life support and personnel facilities
on each deck, allowing passengers to be completely separated from the
crew. This ensures in-flight security, a serious concern for
independent merchants. If no passengers are desired, the passenger
cabins can be taken out, freeing up an additional 4 tons of cargo
space (separate from the main hold).

The Khushdakaa is powered by a single GRN-95 fusion reactor,
producing 42MW of power nominally. The GRN-95 is a low maintenance,
sturdy design that has proven to be quite reliable. The ship carries
enough fuel for an entire year of power plant operation. The design
is such that no user intervention, for maintenance or fueling, should
be required until the ship's annual maintenance period. The ship has
a power shortfall of 3.91 megawatts. This causes no serious problems,
however, as the turret and fuel purification plant use 1.48 megawatts,
and can be taken off line. In addition, the craft powers down its grav
compensators during atmospheric operations. Should the turret (and any
weapon mounted in it) or the purification plant be needed, the
contra-grav systems can be powered down, freeing as much as 10
megawatts. For emergencies, the ship has a bank of batteries capable
of providing life support (minus grav plates) radios, and sensors for
nearly two weeks.

Jumpspace operation is provided by a TM-71 jump drive, mounted
alongside the fusion plant. The TM-71 is a zero-maintenance unit,
capable of operating within its operational guidelines for over a year
with no maintenance. The operational range of the Khushdakka is 1.08
parsecs per week, nominal. Fuel storage is provided for 140 cubic meters
of hydrogen, enough for a single jump at maximum range.

The ship is equipped with exterior fuel rams and a complete purification
system for allow for frontier refueling from gas giants or planetary
surfaces. The single purification unit can purify the entire fuel supply
in under 5 hours. As stated above, the Khushdakaa has enough baffled
fuel tanks to allow one Jump-1. However, internal fuel hookups in the
cargo bays can facilitate additional fuel storage tanks, at the expense
of cargo space. Thus, the ship can make multiple jumps to reach
distant destinations (each 11 ton cargo bay can be refitted as a
10 ton fuel pod using collapsable fuel tanks available at any class A,
B, or C starport).

For normal propulsion, the ship is equipped with twin U-9 thruster pods
and a contra-grav system. The contra grav system can offset upto .5Gs
of gravitational force when the ship is loaded, allowing the Khushdakaa's
thrusters to achieve orbit. The design of the thrusters is unique - they
are mounted on two pods on either side of the ship, on each on an
independently rotatable axis.Thus, the drives can be swiveled downward
for VTOL flight during takeoff and landing, and then rotated into a
forward position for normal flight. In addition, since the drives are
mounted independent of each other, they can be positioned at different
angles. This makes the Khushdakaa an extremely nimble ship, able to
perform in flight maneuvers that are impressive for a mere 1G craft.
While the drives themselves are reliable, the translation equipment
needs to be monitored and to ensure proper operation.

For dirtside operation, the Khushdakaa has room for a single 2-ton
air/raft in a cramped docking slip. If the air/raft is not needed,
the slip can be used for an additional 2 tons of cargo.

For self defence, the Khushdakaa has an empty standard 42m3 turret,
capable of mounting a variety of light weaponry. The turret is slaved
to the cockpit for control.

The Khushdakaa is a poor performer when operating only with freight
and passengers - it is able to turn a modest profit only if it operates
at 100% efficiency, which is a rare occurance for all but the most
skilled traders. However, the enterprising captain should be able to
turn a tidy profit by engaging in spectulative trading. Its admirable
performance, ease of use, and low cost make it the perfect choice for
the independent free trader. It should also be noted that for an
independent trader, the salaries can be dispensed with, improving
annual income by over 150,000Cr.

Variations: It has already been noted that fuel tanks can be mounted
in the cargo pods. In addition, many captains customize the pods,
installing low berths, staterooms, or even weapons within. All of
these changes are custom performed by the owners, and are not
available from the maneufacturer. It should be noted that the cargo
pods are not pods in the truest sense - they cannot be detatched
without severe structural work in a drydock.

For further information or ordering information, contact the
Udararuukin sales department.

| Andrew Akins                                                        |
| Home: igor@truserve.com - www.truserve.com/~igor/ - AIM: Iowa Akins |
| Work: andya@cms-gt.com - http://www.cms-gt.com/ - AIM: CMS AndyA    |
| IMTU: tc++(**) ru+ ge 3i+ jt- au+ ls+ kk+ hi+ as+ va+ dr+ so+ zh+   |
|       vi+ da+                                                       |
| Geek: GCS d- s+:+ a- C++ W++ w+++(-)$ PS+ PE t- 5++ X+ R+++ tv+     |
|       b+++ DI+ D-- G e+ h---- r+++ y++++                            |
race (fill in the blank)
jump shadow
CotI (pick a Citizen to search for a specific post or thread, eg: robject)
speculative cargo
crew (or fill in the blank for a specific crew member type, eg: gunner)
system/main world economy
I'm not sure if this is specifically for the TML, but when I do a Google search for anything Traveller related, I always end them with 'Traveller rpg'. And as I'm usually looking for pics, I click on 'Images'.

Starship deckplans Traveller rpg
Aslan Traveller rpg
JumpSpace Traveller rpg
Maintenance Robots Traveller rpg