I'm a professional software developer (20+ years), and I've been learning JavaFX 8 by working on writing Classic Traveller apps for creating characters.
It appears I can release these for free, under Marc Miller/FFE's Fair Use Policy. I've got the careers for Book 1 and Supplement 4 working. I almost have Book 4 Mercenaries complete.
Before releasing, I want to do some refactoring to make things easier to maintain and debug. And to make the code less embarrassing.
What does everyone want in a Traveller Character Generator application?
Do you want a single app for both Book 1/Supplement 4 and Book 4 Mercenaries, or would you prefer the "simple" careers to be kept separate from the more complex/complete careers? The later books create characters so different from the simple careers, I tend to use one set of careers or the other, but not both.
If I were to write versions in C++, what GUI library would people prefer?
If this were made available via GitHub, with a more obvious link to the compiled JAR files than most projects provide, is this acceptable to most folks? I won't promise to accept pull requests, but I will, when time permits, look at them.
If someone wanted to use this as a basis for an Android app, I would be interested in what needs to be modified in the code to make it more usable for both, once I release the code.
From reading other threads, it sound like there is a desire for:
1. Exports at the end both as XML usable by other applications and as a PDF or something else usable by humans. The XML will come with a schema for validation.
2. Ability to add/edit careers via XML or some other sort of data file. Is storing the data files I create in the JAR OK? Is the option to override them from outside acceptable? How about (maybe in version 2) an editor to add/edit careers?
3. Some people seem to want external communications. I couldn't tell what was really desired here. Is simply exposing the classes as public with public methods enough? Or are people talking web or messaging APIs?
It appears I can release these for free, under Marc Miller/FFE's Fair Use Policy. I've got the careers for Book 1 and Supplement 4 working. I almost have Book 4 Mercenaries complete.
Before releasing, I want to do some refactoring to make things easier to maintain and debug. And to make the code less embarrassing.

What does everyone want in a Traveller Character Generator application?
Do you want a single app for both Book 1/Supplement 4 and Book 4 Mercenaries, or would you prefer the "simple" careers to be kept separate from the more complex/complete careers? The later books create characters so different from the simple careers, I tend to use one set of careers or the other, but not both.
If I were to write versions in C++, what GUI library would people prefer?
If this were made available via GitHub, with a more obvious link to the compiled JAR files than most projects provide, is this acceptable to most folks? I won't promise to accept pull requests, but I will, when time permits, look at them.
If someone wanted to use this as a basis for an Android app, I would be interested in what needs to be modified in the code to make it more usable for both, once I release the code.
From reading other threads, it sound like there is a desire for:
1. Exports at the end both as XML usable by other applications and as a PDF or something else usable by humans. The XML will come with a schema for validation.
2. Ability to add/edit careers via XML or some other sort of data file. Is storing the data files I create in the JAR OK? Is the option to override them from outside acceptable? How about (maybe in version 2) an editor to add/edit careers?
3. Some people seem to want external communications. I couldn't tell what was really desired here. Is simply exposing the classes as public with public methods enough? Or are people talking web or messaging APIs?