Next a quick review of GRIP, at least my experience with it.
GRIP is a QLI product. (Almost enough reason to buy it, in and of itself.) Unfortunately GRIP was produced before T20 and there has been no work on GRIP since T20 was introduced. So while there should probably be all sorts of T20 stuff for GRIP there is none.
Further many of the features of the peripheral features of GRIP, (GRIPNET, the GRIPScheduler, the Library Data in the Traveller edition, etc.) don't work as RPGRealms has changed this website and the pages GRIP is looking for are no longer there. There are also a few bugs that bring things to a screeching halt.
The price is reasonable and the player required software is free. (A major plus for starting a campaign.)
Grip has a few fans answering support questions in the Yahoo GRIP Traveller list but QLI isn't supporting the software. This wouldn't be as bad if the documentation, particularily the documentation on CSML (The scripting language for Grip) was better documented.
The settings on your router have to be manually set. (And there is no documentation in the grip manual to tell you what ports need to be open that GRIP requires.) Likewise GRIP can't find your IP address automatically if you are using a router. (And the RPG Realms address that should allow you to find it is dead, but I couldn't get that to function using a different address anyway. (At least that is editable.)
When you are waiting for players to connect, the system needs to be in listen mode. In Listen mode chat is available but virtually nothing else is. This isn't a bad thing as everyone shows up to play at the start of the session, after all everyone is going to want to catch up, etc. However once the game is in progress a late arrival can't get in without you pausing the game and going back to listen mode. The more important drawback to this is if a player's internet connection goes down, you have to pause the game while you wait for them to reconnect. Aside from the bugs this is probably my biggest dislike of the system.
So much for the bad news. Now for the good news.
The map is scaleable, both by the referee and the players. (So everyone can look at the map at a scale that works best for them.)
The Icons scale and will show status of the character they represent, though exactly how it determines status is not documented and I can't seem to figure it out.
The Map drawing features, while a bit clunky work well enough and if you have the Traveller Package you have all sorts of standard Traveller furnishings and things like doors.
To get around the clunkiness, and to import your wide array of deckplans that you have on your home computer by now, you can use a BMP, GIF or JPG as your base for your map. The Grid on your map has to start at the top left corner and you have to do a counterintuitive method of scaling the grid but once you figure that out importing graphics and maps is no big deal.
However the icons do snap to grid, whether the grid is on or off, and they snap to a square grid even if you have it set to a hex grid. This is not a bad idea, for standard Traveller Square Grid deckplans, it is fine, but looks funny with other grids. Just make sure that the grid in your map matches the grid in GRIP and you are in good shape. There is no facility for the players to move icons, not neccessarily a bad thing, but if you want it, it doesn't exist.
The system allows file transfers, pretyped narations, pretyped NPC statements, preloaded maps and encounters, (though it doesn't keep your NPC positions for the encounters on the map.) and is generally well thought out. There is a facility for file transfers, so you can send pics, etc. though if you choose a file that is too big it will crash your system and bring the game down.
Probably the best part of the system is the Character Sheet interface. It, once you get past the how do I do this, allows you to create a fully automated character sheet for whatever game you wish to play. There are a few character sheets for various games included in the system and quite a few more on the web. (Though there isn't a fully functional T20 sheet, the one I created from scratch is close.
) If the character sheet creation was better documented this could be completed in an afternoon. (It isn't better documented and 3 weeks later (4 weeks after I started creating this T20 sheet, I am still looking for a bug that crashes the player when they push a button.)Character sheets can even produce dorpdown menus in the chat window for your most common things you do on your character sheet. Though that feature isn't available in the Character sheet creation software package, it has to be loaded from the player interface software.
Entities (NPCS that can combat interact with players) require their own specialized sheets definitely much simpler than full blown character sheets but the ability to simply use a character sheet for an NPC would be a nice touch. Giving NPCs the same type of drop menu from chat that players have would be a very nice touch. (Flipping tabs to various NPCs during combat is defiitely annoying.) But easily enough accomplished if you do it right. And you can always group several NPCs under a single entity to simplify your tab flipping.
There is lots of power in GRIP, I wish I knew more.
I also wish we could get a bug fix and a flush of the scheduler, and those webpages that GRIP is looking for, fixed.