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What Value?


Mostly addressed to those that have the PDF version or who have allready recieved their copies.

To a TNE player still using GDW TNE rules other than a new area of space to game in what value would this book have to me?

How much work to convert it to a collapsed TNE setting?

This is a serious question guys I'm not trying to be negative or flame T20 or anything like that.
I know Flynn and others have code that takes existing UWPs and converts them to post-collapse... I don't have the Gateway book yet but I'm sure it much be possible to use it as a TNE setting.
The Bearers of the Flame supplement (you can get access to the playtest files) deals with some of what happened to Gateway Domain and includes collapse procedures.

The region is critical to the 1248 plotline.
Oh yeah, so it is... I'd forgotten about that

Maybe a "Gateway Update" book might make for a nifty TNE:1248 supplement?
/me nods to a 1248 Gateway book, supplement, TA, whatever

Well Gateway even in 993 is a frontier region with the Imperium in only one sector out of four, with Solomani influence Rimward, K'Kree to Trailing, and several Pocket Empires.

Add the Rebellion/Civil War, the Solomani starting up again, Hard Times, and then Virus and you could have a really interesting mix IMO for a TNE campaign. IIRC Margaret is directly Spinward of Gateway but I can't remember who if anyone claims Gateway during the Rebellion.

Ruleswise the only things aside from the adventures* you'd need is to work out TNE stats for the races specific to Gateway or that aren't already stated for TNE if you decide to use them and applying Collapse to the UWPs.

* and the BITS Task pdf along with the T20 extension on freelancetraveller.com should handle tasks

The code I have is based on the collapse process outlined in the TNE 1248 playtest material, which covers transitions from CT/MT Era to TNE 1248 Era.

Heaven and Earth has code that collapses CT/MT Era to TNE 1200 Era, so I imagine that could take the UWPs from Gateway and make the transition to TNE-usable stats for you, Badbru. That's not much work to install and use, and you get a lot more out of it than just collapsing UWP data.

Hope this helps,
Originally posted by MJD:
The Bearers of the Flame supplement (you can get access to the playtest files) deals with some of what happened to Gateway Domain and includes collapse procedures.

The region is critical to the 1248 plotline.
Actually MJD, I don't have access to the playtest files. I realize it's because I've not signed up and paid the money but I've also just spent the last two hours clicking on any link with "1248" in it and haven't worked out how to sign up. I was sure one of the old BotF or 1248 threads had a link but I just looked and couldn't find it. 1248 at top header just takes me to an empty "products available" page. And, naturally, the "1248 playtest" page denies me access. If it helps feel free to think of me as computer illiterate except for knowing where the "on" button is.

Also, that line about the region being critical to the 1248 plotline make me worry that I might "need" to buy Gateway? yes/no, true/untrue, required/helpfull but not necessary????

P.S. sorry to continue badgering you MJD if you respond to this could you also respond to my query re Diaspora Phoenix. I've placed a pre order and realise that "once printed" this little Aussie will have to wait 4 to 6 weeks for postage but I'd really like to know how many additional weeks to add regards expected print date? Printers in two weeks? printers in ten weeks? Printers unknown as you still don't have enough orders??
The link to get playtest access is here

However, I think it's in a transition at the moment - it looks like (and I may be wrong, so don't quote me) QLI are going to make playtests accessible to people who are paid subscribers to CotI (presumably the subscription service will be online very soon).

Presumably those of us who paid to get access to the TNE playtest will still be getting their copies in the post when it gets printed/finalised, and the people who in future would just get access to it by being CotI subscribers would not get copies in the post by default.

Again, that's pure conjecture on my part though. Hunter will be able to confirm or deny one way or another.
The original "news" article is here and has a little more info. The main link to get into the playtest though is through the playtest center Malenfant posted in the previous post.

Woops! Either way leads to the preorder page which isn't working at the moment likely due to the CotI site being upgraded to a tiered non-paying subscriber / paid subscriber site. :(

Paying subscribers will get access to all playtests once the code is implemented. Those who signed up to the 1248 playtest will get the book when it's ready as well.

I think the site transition is what is causing the problem.

You won't *need* Gateway to Destiny for 1248. Anything nercessary for the 1248 backgrouind will be in the 1248 product line, though the book will maybe help with some of the backstory.

Diaspora phoenix needs a minimum number of orders before we can take it to print. Dunno if we have them yet - that's a question for Hunter.
MJD. Upon completion of the 1248 playtest will those of us who have paid for the book and playtest get a PDF copy as well?
So I should wait until the "all clear" sirens have sounded with regards to this "site transition" stuff before trying to become a subscribing member.

If the "Diaspora Phoenix" question is one for Hunter should I hassel him or rely on you (MJD) as the author to to do this

Thanks for the clarification re Gateway. To all of you by the way
I'd rather not use code though, as in computer code. I once downloaded a sector from someplace only to find all the world physical stats were varitions on:
or 662
Occasional one would be 467 or 327 or 762 but usually of 20 odd worlds in a subsector six or seven would have physicals of 457 five or six of 328 and the rest would be 662. It was sooooo obviously computer number cruched and NOT proofed it was a joke! Plus I prefer to go through and make "Logic" changes to those occasional or sometimes frequent really odd stats.