Has anyone else ever been bothered by the fact that 2300 AD while colloquially acceptable, is actually grammatically incorrect? It should, of course, be AD 2300. It's slightly embarrassing to admit since it surely makes me look like the worst kind of anal-retentive pedant, but this actually does kinda bother me, to the point that I almost always refer to the game as Traveller:2300, T:2300, or just 2300 instead of by its "real" name.
In case anyone's curious, I'm also a little bothered by the British comic 2000 AD, but somehow not quite so much (I guess because "2000 AD" is a more common colloquial expression, or maybe just because when I first discovered 2000 AD as a kid I didn't know the correct form yet).
And while I'm on the subject, I barely dare mention that in modern academic circles the title should properly be 2300 CE anyway (CE standing for "of the Common Era," the use of AD ("in the year of Our Lord") having been declared un-PC a couple decades back and faded into obsolesence among all but the most stubborn reactionaries).
Please accept my humblest apologies for having brought this up. Really.
In case anyone's curious, I'm also a little bothered by the British comic 2000 AD, but somehow not quite so much (I guess because "2000 AD" is a more common colloquial expression, or maybe just because when I first discovered 2000 AD as a kid I didn't know the correct form yet).
And while I'm on the subject, I barely dare mention that in modern academic circles the title should properly be 2300 CE anyway (CE standing for "of the Common Era," the use of AD ("in the year of Our Lord") having been declared un-PC a couple decades back and faded into obsolesence among all but the most stubborn reactionaries).
Please accept my humblest apologies for having brought this up. Really.