Strength, Dexterity and Endurance are, of course, your combat factors, and every point is useful, at least as hit points. High Social Standing is useful if you are playing an active nobility, with articles like "Relief for Traveller Nobility" (Dragon #73) or "Robe and Blaster" (White Dwarf #22). Intelligence, I suppose, could always be used as a saving throw (though, IIRC, it was actually used as a limiting factor on physical training, which seemed to me to say more about the physical fitness consciousness of the Traveller design team than anything else. :rofl: ).
But what about Education? At level 8, you get to roll on an additional skills table in character creation, but I've never seen it used for anything else?
But what about Education? At level 8, you get to roll on an additional skills table in character creation, but I've never seen it used for anything else?