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When will playtesting start

Well, there is no "Honor Harrington" section in "The Moot" right now.

By RainOfSteel: Was in Error
And there was such a section before (I know, I've got a couple of the files sitting on my hard drive).
See Hunter's post following with more info.
The Official QLI Update topic mentions that game is being reviewed by David Weber.

Hopefully, there will be a playtest in the future.

Hopefully it will even get its own Playtest forum.

EDIT--04/02/2005--1207 MST

Post edited to correct faulty assumptions.
Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
[QB] Well, there is no "Honor Harrington" section in "The Moot" right now.

And there was such a section before (I know, I've got a couple of the files sitting on my hard drive).
Nope, you got a couple of files that were posted on the general Moot forum. There hasn't been an HH section set up yet.

Originally posted by hunter:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Well, there is no "Honor Harrington" section in "The Moot" right now.

And there was such a section before (I know, I've got a couple of the files sitting on my hard drive).
Nope, you got a couple of files that were posted on the general Moot forum. There hasn't been an HH section set up yet.

</font>[/QUOTE]And that is why I'm glad an official answer came along . . .

I've edited my previous post now.
Excuse me,
Could someone can tell how to become beta tester, especialy when HHRPG betatests will start ??
Originally posted by JaXa:
Excuse me,
Could someone can tell how to become beta tester, especialy when HHRPG betatests will start ??
Well as for when it is going to start? No official word. As for how? Simple join The Moot. It is inexpensive and, IMHO, well worth the money.
Does anyone know how the playtest is shaping up? I know that they were waiting for David Weber to give his ok, is that done? Or are there other delays happening? I have some rabid Hard-core HH fans who want to start playing this soonest, and so far I have nothing to throw to the hungry lions... :D :D
Originally posted by jwdh71:
Does anyone know how the playtest is shaping up? I know that they were waiting for David Weber to give his ok, is that done? Or are there other delays happening? I have some rabid Hard-core HH fans who want to start playing this soonest, and so far I have nothing to throw to the hungry lions... :D :D
well you could always use the T20 rules as a basis and the physics as described in the series and you will be close.

I mean Pulsers and Chem Burners (The kind still in use with most Steadholder's Guard) are already in the T20 rules. What we are missing is a comprehensiveship building and starship combat rules. (If the Ad Astra Saganamni Tactical Simulator is in the Playtest stage you could already have half the problem licked.)

There is little difference between Imperial Marines and Royal Manticoran Marines, etc. Rememberthat Merchies in the Honorverse are huge and expensive so unlikely for a band of players to have one at their disposal.(though they might be part of the crew of one) and Warships are also huge, even LACs are huge by Traveller small ship standards. though the majority of them are relatively small in comparison to Freighters.
This should be an awesome campaign setting. Since the 1st time I picked up "On Basilisk Station" I have said there should be an Honor Harrington RPG. And here it is. (Well almost).... Has anyone heard anything since the last posts were done here in may? Can we expect to see a playtest for this soon?
As other folk have stated, this is one of the primary reasons that I subscribed to the Moot. I definitely want to see the playtest materials for the HH universe and find out how it will (or won't) work.

One of my big concerns is about forcing new players to purchase both T20 and the HH Adventures book. Is this going to be a must, or can you get by with the Players Guide?

How soon can we expect to see something?
Originally posted by CmdrPowers:
As other folk have stated, this is one of the primary reasons that I subscribed to the Moot. I definitely want to see the playtest materials for the HH universe and find out how it will (or won't) work.

One of my big concerns is about forcing new players to purchase both T20 and the HH Adventures book. Is this going to be a must, or can you get by with the Players Guide?

How soon can we expect to see something?
I personally don't see the problem with having to have multiple books. In most RPG situations only the GM needs to own the books. So you are only looking at one set. Players purchasing books is entirely up to them.

I ran a Shadowrun campaign for 3 years and I owned the only copy of the rules. (Well towards the end two other people bought copies.)

Our Group, in collegeg, played AD&D for about 3 years,(waaaay back when) and we did it on 1 DMG, a set of MMs (MM, MM2 and Fiend Folio), 2 Player Handbooks, 1 Dieties and Demigods, and one subscription to Dragon Magazine and a handful of suplements from various sources. And back then we rotated between three DMs. There never were multiple copies of the rules.

After all the GM runs the game, everyone else plays a role. You don't need the rules mechanics to play a role.

I am currently running a GRIP T20 game, and a couple of players suggested they were buying copies of T20 to be able to chart their character's future. (Since they are not exactly in the same town.) But to play they don't need the rules. The Character Sheets actually handle most of the mechanics. So, as the Referee, I don't even need to be constantly consulting the rules. (Now if I could get the Melee Wepaon swing to not kick the characters offline.... )