I don't know if this will interest anyone but while looking at localisation issues in Windows programming (Culture and Region info) I thought it might be handy to have an Imperial profile. I created one called "ga-Im" ... which is based on "en-GB" with the following overrides:
Okay, so the date formats don't support Julian dates (and there is an issue with "Holiday" and leap years) but apart from that does anyone see anything wrong/missing here?
(This is for Universe2 but I'm thinking of making the LDML file available separately once it is finalised.)
- CultureEnglishName = "Galanglic (Third Imperium)"
- CultureNativeName = "Galanglic (Third Imperium)"
- ThreeLetterISOLanguageName = "Gal"
- ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName = "Gal"
- TwoLetterISOLanguageName = "Ga"
- RegionEnglishName = "Third Imperium"
- RegionNativeName = "Third Imperium"
- ThreeLetterISORegionName = "Imp"
- ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName = "Imp"
- TwoLetterISORegionName = "Im"
- CurrencyEnglishName = "Imperial Credits"
- CurrencyNativeName = "Crimps"
- IsMetric = true
- GregorianDateTimeFormat.AbbreviatedDayNames = { "Won", "Tu", "Thir", "For", "Fi", "Six", "Sen" }
- GregorianDateTimeFormat.DayNames = { "Wonday", "Tuday", "Thirday", "Forday", "Fiday", "Sixday", "Senday" }
- NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol = "Cr"
Okay, so the date formats don't support Julian dates (and there is an issue with "Holiday" and leap years) but apart from that does anyone see anything wrong/missing here?
(This is for Universe2 but I'm thinking of making the LDML file available separately once it is finalised.)