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Windows Localisation for the 3I


SOC-14 1K
I don't know if this will interest anyone but while looking at localisation issues in Windows programming (Culture and Region info) I thought it might be handy to have an Imperial profile. I created one called "ga-Im" ... which is based on "en-GB" with the following overrides:
  • CultureEnglishName = "Galanglic (Third Imperium)"
  • CultureNativeName = "Galanglic (Third Imperium)"
  • ThreeLetterISOLanguageName = "Gal"
  • ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName = "Gal"
  • TwoLetterISOLanguageName = "Ga"

  • RegionEnglishName = "Third Imperium"
  • RegionNativeName = "Third Imperium"
  • ThreeLetterISORegionName = "Imp"
  • ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName = "Imp"
  • TwoLetterISORegionName = "Im"

  • CurrencyEnglishName = "Imperial Credits"
  • CurrencyNativeName = "Crimps"

  • IsMetric = true
  • GregorianDateTimeFormat.AbbreviatedDayNames = { "Won", "Tu", "Thir", "For", "Fi", "Six", "Sen" }
  • GregorianDateTimeFormat.DayNames = { "Wonday", "Tuday", "Thirday", "Forday", "Fiday", "Sixday", "Senday" }
  • NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol = "Cr"

Okay, so the date formats don't support Julian dates (and there is an issue with "Holiday" and leap years) but apart from that does anyone see anything wrong/missing here?

(This is for Universe2 but I'm thinking of making the LDML file available separately once it is finalised.)
Symbol for CrImps.

My Fellow Baron,

I am not sure if you have access to a Mac, but they have this neat little widget since back in the day that shows all the special characters. Big deal, right? Well it turns out there is a symbol for a Terran currency which would be prefect for use as the symbol for Credits, Imperial. According to my Character Viewer the currency is CRUZEIRO. Check it, it's sweet.
Symbol for CrImps.

My Fellow Baron,

I am not sure if you have access to a Mac, but they have this neat little widget since back in the day that shows all the special characters. Big deal, right? Well it turns out there is a symbol for a Terran currency which would be prefect for use as the symbol for Credits, Imperial. According to my Character Viewer the currency is CRUZEIRO. Check it, it's sweet.
EDIT: I just hit the old google and the wiki put out this, if it helps.

My Dear Baron

While I do not currently have access to a Mac, Windows has a similar utility and the symbol you mentioned is indeed there in many of the main fonts ... though in the second form (tiny 'r' inside large 'C'). But thank you for drawing it to my attention.

My Dear Baron

While I do not currently have access to a Mac, Windows has a similar utility and the symbol you mentioned is indeed there in many of the main fonts ... though in the second form (tiny 'r' inside large 'C'). But thank you for drawing it to my attention.
I seemed to recall there being an equivalent in Windows too. :D Yeah, the second one is the one for the Mac. Either way, thought it would do and you are most welcome. I want a copy by the way. :D