Off the wall character requests.
I was wondering about running some sort of shapeshifting psionic spy.. She'd say she was good at reading body language, but she'd have an ability to read surface thoughts.. and through concentration/relaxation- be able to get inside someone's head.
She could be some sort of genetic hybrid.. or even an artificial intelligence. She'd be a specialist at first contacts.
I'll look into the psionics and which powers would be appropriate
That is a request I received once. My head nearly exploded at the thought! I initially nixed it, but later recanted after recalling GURPS: ULTRA TECH. Reviewed options, realized Solomani likely could pull it off and Zho's could use such. Lots of recent Soli immigrants at Halka. So was born Eve, Zho spy, infiltrator, telepath and teleporter: genetically modified to alter body and face to in-numerable female forms all via implants. Oh, SORAG health insurance didn't cover the procedure. SOLSEC collection bureax unhappy!
I can post GURPS stats if any interested in them.
QUESTION: What other outlandish requests have GM's received?
I was wondering about running some sort of shapeshifting psionic spy.. She'd say she was good at reading body language, but she'd have an ability to read surface thoughts.. and through concentration/relaxation- be able to get inside someone's head.
She could be some sort of genetic hybrid.. or even an artificial intelligence. She'd be a specialist at first contacts.
I'll look into the psionics and which powers would be appropriate
That is a request I received once. My head nearly exploded at the thought! I initially nixed it, but later recanted after recalling GURPS: ULTRA TECH. Reviewed options, realized Solomani likely could pull it off and Zho's could use such. Lots of recent Soli immigrants at Halka. So was born Eve, Zho spy, infiltrator, telepath and teleporter: genetically modified to alter body and face to in-numerable female forms all via implants. Oh, SORAG health insurance didn't cover the procedure. SOLSEC collection bureax unhappy!
I can post GURPS stats if any interested in them.
QUESTION: What other outlandish requests have GM's received?