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Z-Gun, Tales of the 24th Antarean COTI Play by Post


Tales of the 24th Antarean
A T20 Traveller Play by Post

"The wave of Revolt that now sweeps the Antares Sector shall break upon the unyeilding Bow of The Imperium, this I promise you, Lords. They will soon know the high price of defiance and that to disrupt trade is to invite a wrath unprecedented in our history."

-Emperor Paulo III, In Emergency Address to the Moot, 143-1066.

Summary: The Forces of the Third Imperium fight back a sweeping popular Revolt in the Antares Sector.

Campaign in Brief
Z-Gun is an alternate timeline Traveller setting set in the reign of Emperor Paulo III, in the Imperial Year 1069. A political movement known as the Antares Common Union has come to power amid the sub-Imperial local governments. Many Nobles have fallen victim to the spreading rash of "Popularism" as the ACU calls its ideology. The ACU actively recruits world populations into fighting an overt and covert war of succession from the Third Imperium. With some impressive military might at its disposal, the Separatist Systems pose a serious threat to Imperial Power coreward from Capital. It is the players charge to put down this uprising and restore order to the Sector, as members of the 24th Imperial Mobile Legion, as crew of an ultra-advanced Main Battle Grav Artillery. In conjunction with the Imperial Navy and the Imperial Marines, the players fight fierce battles to break the back of the Uprising.

The Role of the Heroes

The Caldera Class 25 Ton Mobile Artillery Z-Gun is manned by a 5-unit crew, and a 10-Unit Infantry Strike Squad. There are fifteen PC slots in this game, which are to be filled by Active Duty Imperial Army Characters. The Crew Positions I am looking for are:

Caldera Crew

Artillery Commander (Captain or Major)
Primary Driver (Lieutennant)
Main Gunner (Lieutennant)
Forward Observer (Lieutennant)
Main Mechanic (Sargeant/NCO)

Infantry Strike Squad

Squad Leader (Sargeant/NCO)
Technical Unit (Sargeant)
Heavy Weapons Unit (Sargeant)
Support Unit 1 (Corporal)
Support Unit 2 (Corporal)
Trooper 1 (Private)
Trooper 2 (Private)
Trooper 3 (Private)
Trooper 4 (Private)
Trooper 5 (Private)

Unfilled Slots will be manned by NPCs

1.The PCs must be of appropriate rank to hold the position.
2.They can be from any Imperial World and must be Imperial Citizens.
3.Aliens are permitted, but they must be Medium sized and be loyal Imperial Citizens.
4.PCs must be Enlisted in the Imperial Army with no record of company infraction or discharge.
5.PCs can be from any Tech Level 13, 14, 0r 15 Imperial Homeworld
6.If Multiclassed, only 2 Terms in 1 other Class are permitted.
7.PCs must be generated as T20 Characters, No conversions.
8.No Psionics
9.PCs are limited to regulation Weaponry and equipment, they can carry their own weapons and non-regulation gear are at risk
10.Your Characters will all be stationed on Uran, Pelusium Subsector, Antares Sector, at the Start of the Game.

Uran 0207 A98975A-F N Ri 602 Im



1.Free Feats: Armor Proficiency: Vacc Suit, Vehicle: Grav, 1 Bonus Feat (plus any racial or other starting feats)

2.Free Skills: T/Computer, Pilot, Three Homeworld Skills.

3.Ability Bonuses: +3 Education (plus any other Racial or Level Bonuses)

4.Assigned Ability Scores (18,15,15,13,13,11,11,11 arranged in any order.)

5.Maximum Stamina and Lifeblood at First Level.

6.Genetic Templates. There are Genetic Templates available to PCs, They are still human, but modified by advanced genetic engineering. Only one Template can be selected. The Templates Are:

Aquan: Amphibious, Low Light Vision (60'), +2 to Listen, Move Silent, and Navigate underwater, +4 to Swim. Bonus Athletic Feat. Pale Green Skin

Nocturnal: Darkvision (120'), Light Sensitivity, +2 to Listen and Move Silent, Blind Fight Bonus Feat. Bluish SKin

Theta Strain: +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -4 social, +2 to Run, Jump, Swim. Brawling Bonus Feat. Brutish Appearance, Neaderthalic

Murskaga Technique: +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma, +2 Professional, Technical, And Knowledge Skills. Skill Specialization Bonus Feat. Completely Hairless

ZG Conditioning: +2 Dex, -2 Str -2 Social, Zero-G Adaptation, +2 Climb, Jump, Use Rope, Bonus Feat Imporoved Zero G Adapt. Thin Build, Tall,

Tiberian Exposure: +2 Str, -2 Con, Natural Armor Rating of 3, +2 to Search, Spot, and Survival. bonus Toughness Feat. Bio-organic Graphite Scaled Skin.

Geodex Alteration: Natural Compass, Geological Survey, Heavy Gravity Adaption, +2 to Geology, Prospecting, Listen. Bonus Endurance Feat. Hard calloused skin.

7. Cybernetic Implants: Any wound suffered in Character Generation translates to one Cybernetic device if the player so wishes, to a maximum of 2. For every 2 implants, subtract 1 Constitution Point and 1 Charisma point.

8. Background. All Pcs must have an Introductory Paragraph of his or her background and character description.

9. All Game Mechanics are "invisible" to the In Character Thread. Players Declare Actions and the Referee determines and relates all results. There Will be an Out of character thread for Rules Discussion. Brief Out of Character Questions or statements can be made in the In Character Thread, provided that they are proceeded by the "OOC" Tag, for example,
OOC: Is the Door Locked?

10. The Person Speaking or taking Action must start a post with the Character's Name in the Game.

11. Player or Referee Speech will be in "quotes"

12. Player or Referee Description of Action will be unquoted.

13. Player or Referee Communications will be [Bracketed]

14. Game Posts will take place on the Citizens of the Imperium Forum Site, in Play-by-Post Form.

15. Player Applicants should Email chuckshaw2000@gmail.com with character concept.

16. The Game will Begin on October 1, 2005

Player Slot Deadline is now September 15th, 2005. Generation Deadline is October 1st, 2005.


I am going to use: (in terms of books)

d20 Modern
d20 Past
d20 Future
The Traveller's Handbook
All Traveller's Aides (by and large)

All other books are considered as baselines/reference materials. The ones I am using are:

All the CT Books
All the GT Books
All the MT Books
All the TNE Books

A note about "Canon".:

I consider the Traveller Universe so large that almost anything is possible, so we can take most of Traveller History as presented. This game will simply "be" and is not intended to be a work of "Canon". I as the Referee will reserve the right to modify any aspect of established Traveller Background as I see fit, and as it suits the game.

Also, this is NOT a "STRIKER" game. I love Striker, but I am going for something different here. Players would be served best to have no pre-concieved notions of how the high tech armioes of the future work in this game, and should let me present it a bit at a time in the natural weave of the narrative.

As to myself as a Referee:

I endeavor to be as impartial as I can, but I admit to having a strong fondness for Players that respond often, clearly, and rapidly. I hope that this game will move swiftly, and I will say at the outset that it is for those that are willing to commit to a game that will last Years given the right circumstances. Players can come and Go as they wish, of course. It is for Players that check email every day.

I am not a "killer" Referee, nor am I interested in Power-Gaming. This Game will provide state-of the-art Equipment to the players at the outset, to throw the "I am working my way up to getting a FGMP-15" school of thought on its ear. What is done with these Weapons and Devices is the "meat" of the matter. How TL 15 Warfare is fought.

Even if you don't like the t20 or d20 system, the rules and stats are only a framework for what your character can do. The role playing aspect is of the most import. Consider Character Creation "Boot Camp" and put it behind you.

I promise:
High Technology War in theaters ranging from Planetary to Sector Wide.
Robots, Aliens, High Tactics, Fearsome Enemy Troops, Hiver Meddling, K'Kree Meddling, Julian Meddling, Battledress, and many other picture postcards!

Imperial Intelligence Command infoslug 66b:

Pelusium: Agricultural Heartland

The Pelusium Subsector in the Antares Sector, Subsector A, is home to 11 high yield agricultural worlds. Before the Revolt, these world made trillions in export of food and commodities to the surrounding subsectors and beyond. The abundance of non-industrial lower tech level worlds was long ago molded by the Imperium to be producer of fine crafts and inexpensive conscript labor and personnel, in addition to specialty export goods. Most of these systems began to be infiltrated and turned by ACU Agents into serving them either directly or indirectly through popular exploitation.

The Fauzeng Blackclaws

Loyal Imperial Allies, once used as scouts in the Third Frontier War under His Majesty Emperor Styryx, for service far beyond normal treaties for thier expert disruption of trade in the War Zone, they were given by Styryx an Imperial Patent of Independence, and allowed to maintain relative autonomy and tax exemption in the Likimar (Lie-Keemar) System. Provided they adhere to strict guidelines of available technology as prosrcibed by thier spartan religion, Fauzeng Cosmic Pack. The stoic nature of the Fauzeng i soff putting most other Vargr.

The Blackclaws are fierce combatants, and use ferocity to counterbalance the low tech traditional Vargr Weaponry they employ. They are loyal to the Empire over all, though there is rumor that Likimar is a gateway to Antares for Julian Vargr espionnage Agents.

Time is divided on Likimar between Agricultural Concerns, mostly TL5 Livestock farming of Thecodont 22, Cultivation of Gourmet Soya-31, and Fishing of Shad 33, all seeded genetically altered Stock. Likimar also has a large steel production industry.

The other activity seems to be "Jousting" in TL5 Vehicles of many designs and mounted on prized Thecodont-22s. The lands and seas of Likimar are strewn with the remnants of these daredevil contests of byzantine vargr prestige.

Known Weaponry (TL 5)

Kudok Bolt Action Rifle
Steel Mesh
Steel Helmets
Thec Lance
Steel Shields

Machine Guns
Railway Artillery
Steel Tanks
Steel Armored Cars
Steel Watercraft
Fixed Wing Aircraft
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
Sadly, this Game is cancelled due to lack of intrrest.
You need to do some basic marketing training and talk about the benefits to the players and not the features of the game. ;)

I for one liked the sound of the Fauzeng Blackclaws.
Well, I meant that the way you presented the game was very information heavy. Perhaps discussing mroe about what the players would get out of the experience would have helped catch people's attention - followed up with the rules stuff later when you knew you had interest.

OTOH it might be that this idea was just not that interesting to people currently on the boards.
Which is why it was cancelled. Along with Intendants of Chiashov. I wanted to do something different. In Z-gun, I wanted to get away from the "Terracentric" form that the military in Traveller is portrayed as. To portray that people that have gone to live on other worlds in the universe change, and change all the time. It is unrealistic to play it otherwise.

In intendants, I wanted to do a campaign in which the players are psionic cops in a non-imperial setting. If it was D&D, it would be an all Kua-Toa campaign. I leave it to the curious to find the parallel.

As to what the players would gain, nothing, I guess. Certainly nothing if they aren't willing to give it a shot.

To be frank, I am a little discouraged about this. I will not post another Campaign again. It is too much work for naught. I bet if I made a game that was just Space Americans running around yelling "oorah" and "lock and load" I would get response enough. I require more depth to my games because I take my hobby seriously. I realize that too much effort can be intimidating.

TNE, Empress Waving, Viral Outbreaks and whatnot are other people's ideas. And I do not think they are strong enough to build on, or leave any room to develop. Nor would I feel comfortable doing so. I do not care who wrote them or where they come from. I reserve the right as a Referee and longtime supporter of this game to pick and choose what I will use in campaigns. People get pigeonholed enough in real life. No need to transfer the monotony to the RPG arena. Refereeing by cookie cutter is a disservice to both players and the hobby. That is what Magic: The Gathering of Cards is for.

I don't see why a game with as big an identity crisis as Traveller cannot have room to potentially do anything I wanted to do as a ref.
"Canon" is just not that important to me.

Perhaps also my ideas do indeed suck, but then why rub my face in it? People did respond with very detailed and cool characters, but just not enough of them to start. It is unfortunate that thier effort was wasted also due to apathy/lack of interest on the part of the supposed players of Traveller. Which to me at the moment seems like a bunch of old men that used to play Traveller. Or perhaps like people that go to the movies to just sit in the lobby and talk even though they pay to see the picture.

Good Night!
I like your ideas. very original and agree not to play via the cookie cutter

I'm not really a play by post kind of guy, I seem to like "sessions", where all players are in some kind of contact, be it FTF or live via the net.
Follow up after with forums or posting and email

Is the attraction to play by post the ease, or not having to deal with software issues and timing ones?
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
To be frank, I am a little discouraged about this. I will not post another Campaign again. It is too much work for naught. I bet if I made a game that was just Space Americans running around yelling "oorah" and "lock and load" I would get response enough. I require more depth to my games because I take my hobby seriously. I realize that too much effort can be intimidating.

TNE, Empress Waving, Viral Outbreaks and whatnot are other people's ideas. And I do not think they are strong enough to build on, or leave any room to develop. Nor would I feel comfortable doing so. I do not care who wrote them or where they come from. I reserve the right as a Referee and longtime supporter of this game to pick and choose what I will use in campaigns. People get pigeonholed enough in real life. No need to transfer the monotony to the RPG arena. Refereeing by cookie cutter is a disservice to both players and the hobby. That is what Magic: The Gathering of Cards is for.
Hear, hear! That's also why I'm running a T20/2320AD/d20 Modern (Moreau) game and loving every minute of it. It's also why I liked the Julian Protectorate as a place for my Traveller universe games - plenty of scope for MY ideas.

I'm lucky that my players are almost completely ignorant of d20 Modern/d20 Future/T20 at all, and just take my word for it that the rules I am using are the best ones for the game. If I hadn't ambushed them with a lot of pretty picture and pre-prepared PC templates I probably would never have got them to try it, but now they have the tried blowing things up in a deadly combat system they seem to like it.

Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
Perhaps also my ideas do indeed suck, but then why rub my face in it? People did respond with very detailed and cool characters, but just not enough of them to start. It is unfortunate that thier effort was wasted also due to apathy/lack of interest on the part of the supposed players of Traveller. Which to me at the moment seems like a bunch of old men that used to play Traveller. Or perhaps like people that go to the movies to just sit in the lobby and talk even though they pay to see the picture.
Well, personally I don't think your ideas suck (except in as much as I think d20 Modern sucks, which is a little bit). My point was that I felt your invitation could have benefited from a more 'player friendly' format, but I see nothing wrong with the ideas per se.

Getting an online campaign up and running is amazingly hard, and requires as much luck and good networking ability as it does actual GM skills/imagination/inspiration/perspiration. Good on you for trying!

Keeping an online game running is even harder. The timespans they tend to go over leave a LOT of room for real life to intervene. It seems that games either need to be very intense in terms of time commitment or very flexible in terms of roster to survive.

FWIW, people that use chat seem to have more luck as their gameplay tends to be faster moving than PBEM/PBP games.