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Zhevra's Dance Novel Feedback

The Pakkrat

SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
This thread is for reader reactions and feedback to the novel of the same name. Please observe Forum policies before reacting.

As stated in the first post of the novel, this story likely cannot be accepted beyond fan-written entertainment and one person's interpretation of the Vargr Major Race. Even though I studied the Vargr since the 1990s, the varied ethnicities of the Vargr cannot be given full exposition due to their mercurial aspects. Regardless, I felt the story needed to be told.

Senior Scout Gevaudan Cannagrrh was a Mongoose Traveller 1e character I portrayed in 2014 and into 2015. With him came his elder Sister-Dame Qithka Cannagrrh and Uthka Varzeekh. Gevaudan's Jump emerged later as I lent attention to his post-adventuring profession in Gvurrdon Sector during the Virus years. From that blossomed the Traveller5 generation of Zhevra. The story then migrated from Mongoose format to T5.09 while we fans compared notes and debated on the psychic phenomenon known as the Empress Wave and by more than a few other names.

Again, I hope that the reader enjoys the story.
I have just found the story recently and I am absolutely loving this Novel - Zhevra's Dance.

It is really well written and edited. The artwork is fantastic.

I am looking forward to the the next page.

Cannot put it down!!!

Great read, thanks Pakkrat!
Thanks for the feedback. The novel moves me too, every time I re-read it. One note of caution: if the text seems to end with no closure of a paragraph, reload the page. I have noticed in re-reading that the COTI Forum does not always load properly. I saw this more than once in this novel and in other stories. Take heart. I went back each time and found no text was left out. It's just a page loading glitch. Reload and try again.
Thanks for the feedback. The novel moves me too, every time I re-read it. One note of caution: if the text seems to end with no closure of a paragraph, reload the page. I have noticed in re-reading that the COTI Forum does not always load properly. I saw this more than once in this novel and in other stories. Take heart. I went back each time and found no text was left out. It's just a page loading glitch. Reload and try again.

Thanks for the heads up.