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15mm K'Kree up on Ebay


Not mine. NobleKnightGames has ten mint packs (three figures each) of Martian Metals K'Kree (Military, TL 10-12, with Vacc Suits) are up on Ebay. A bit rich for my blood (BuyitNow price is $34.95 a pack). Shame, as Martian Metals was the only 15mm option for K'Kree

Grenadier's Alien Mercanaries boxed set was the only way to obtain 25mm figures of this subject (two different K'Kree figures in that set- but that set also is now quite rare and pricey. I obtained two such iin a partial Grenadier set I bought a couple of months ago.
Good to see, but alas, far too steep for my wallet.

Hope someone will put them back into production, eventually.