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2320 AD : What's next?


I just got 2320 AD and wondered what should be next? First, I think a new and improve Colonial Atlas could be welcome. Also an Aliens Sourcebook could also be useful.

What do you think?
A series of interlinked standalone adventures that would highlight the different aspects of the brave new worlds of 2320AD. I am always a sucker for Campaign style adventures.

Visual landscapes, something, that artistically renders the world of 2320AD (this is a dream, I know).

Another World sourcebook - Earth was poorly done (just because it tried to do two opposable things). Aurore was good. Noku... was better save the part of the plant, some more alien worlds detailed are always welcome
A series of interlinked standalone adventures that would highlight the different aspects of the brave new worlds of 2320AD. I am always a sucker for Campaign style adventures.

I have a very good framing device for something like this. An independent news team that has been freelancing in the American Arm gets noticed by Andromedia on Earth and gets called to the Core to do some work. Along the way, the team gets to do feature interviews with various people, with varying degrees of success.

Granted, it's a more of a story narrative than a campaign narrative, but it can be easily adapted to any Arm - just have the characters be one of those teams that travels on the Tall Ships, documenting as they go.
I have the downloaded mapbook, but I need to know which worlds those are for the ones not listed in 2300.. Help!