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MGT Only: Federico Olivares - Merchants First Officer

Federico Olivares, Human male age 42 planet of birth: Haagenti/District Red 27 subsector.
Merchants (Merchant Marine) 6 terms First Officer, characteristics: 677B96

Administration-1, Astrogation-2, Broker-2, Comms-0, Computer-0, diplomat-1,
Drive (wheeled vehicle)-0, electronics-1, gun combat (slug pistil)-0, linguistics: Galanglic, Spanish (Haagenti dialect), mechanic-1, medic-0, persuade-1, Pilot (spacecraft)-2, Pilot (small craft)-2, Seafarer (motorboats)-0, Steward-0, Vacc suit-1

Ship shares: 17, cash 80,000 pensions: 12,000 credits per year.

In appearance Olivares is 1.9 metres tall, slim with greying black hair and dark green eyes, years of negotiating with brokers mean he tends to wear formal business dress, whatever formal business dress is on the planet he is visiting.

Born into a poor family in the sub sea section of the Ancona arcology on the water world of Haagenti, Federico knew from an early age that he wanted a better life than his father’s job as a water taxi driver, or his mother and sister both servants to wealthy families. His hard work, determination and high intelligence, earned him a rare scholarship to the Imperial Trin Institute of Commerce (ITIC), where he finished top of his class and befriended two other poor but talented outsiders, Drev Kuo, from Trin itself and Jean Viding of Mora.(CONTACTS)

On graduating from the ITIC Federico joined the Oberlindes Lines, Hercules class type AHI heavy merchant, “Dancing Lady”. His first job was as an Engineering deckhand helping repair the ships drop tanks and service the forty ton Pinnace small craft. His good performances here lead to promotion to Senior Crewman (Engineering), with responsibilities for helping the ship engineers’ maintain the electronics and avionics systems.

During his second term Federico was transferred to the Bridge section as Assistant Pinnace Pilot, responsible for moving cargo and passengers from the ship to the planetary surface or other spacecraft. He was again promoted to Fourth Officer (Bridge), but this did involve transfer to a smaller Oberlindes Lines ship, the Belasmon class Liner “Platinum Princess Five”. As the junior most bridge officer he got the night watch officer shifts and the time consuming administration and brokering duties dealing with planeside cargo shippers and customs. It was during this period he first met Shunji Fujimara (Merchants Free Trader- CONTACT), while negotiating the transfer and break of bulk of a cargo of grav vehicles

During his third term Federico stayed with the same ship but it was transferred from the coreward hall of the Spinward Marches sector to the rim ward subsectors with some time spent in the Imperial controlled subsectors of the pirate haunted Trojan Reaches. Because of his skills profitably brokering a wide variety of cargos he was promoted to Third Officer. At the same time he fell in love and began a relationship with Anna Blanco an engineering officer on the same ship. Later in the same term he first meet the Scout Jack Garrett (Contact), when as a Scout Ship Medical Officer Jack arranged transfer of a badly injured fellow scout, to the sick bay of the “Platinum Princess Five”.

During his fourth term Federico and his partner Anna Blanco were both transferred to the Shakarkha class Star Liner “Star of Deneb”, the pride of Oberlindes fleet and a prestigious assignment for any merchant marine officer. There most of his duties were as navigation Officer or Pilot. Unfortunately towards the end of his term an opening for promotion to Second Officer arose, for which both he and his partner Anna Blanco applied. Determined at all costs to win the promotion, Federico started a rumour that Anna was applying for a job with Oberlindes Lines major competitor Tukera Lines. This rumour helped him gain the promotion to Second Officer, unluckily Anna found out Federico had started the rumour, and not only ended their relationship but vowed revenge.ENEMY

Fortunately the promotion involved a transfer to the Frontier Transport “Sagittarius”, which operated in the trailing subsectors of the Foreven sector, several subsectors away from Anna Blanco.

As Second Officer on the “Sagittarius” Federico’s duties during his fifth were mainly piloting the ship and brokering deals with planet side merchant houses. During his fifth term the Fourth Frontier War broke out meaning his ship was limited by the need to be part of Imperial Navy protected convoys, three times convoys the “Sagittarius” was part of came under Zhondani or privateer attacks, but the ship was damaged only once. It was while arranging spares for the repairs to the ship that Federico meet Navy Engineering Officer James MacDonald (contact). The two came to an “informal” agreement where MacDonald supplied Navy spare parts to Federico, in return for various luxury goods, hard for a war time active service officer to obtain. Federico’s success in ensuring his ship was quickly repaired and back in service despite the war, earned him promotion to First Officer of the “Sagittarius”

During his sixth term the Fourth Frontier war came to an end and as First Officer Federico basically ran the ship, much to the approval of his Captain Tobern Colina. However Federico found out that in order not to lose the services of his First Officer, Captain Colina was submitting poor performance reviews for Federico, to company headquarters(Rival). Angered Federico mustered out at the end of his sixth term, calling in various favours to obtain seventeen ship shares. If he could not be captain of an Oberlindes Lines ship, he would be Captain of his own ship, however financially precarious this would be. He is still the driven, determined, hard working guy who left Haagenti many years before.

All he needs now is a crew for the as yet unnamed ship.
The Hercules class is a design belonging to and mainly used by Akerut. A few are used by sister companies in the Tukera Family. It's extremely unlikely that Oberlindes would have one.

Oberlindes is a subsector-wide line operating in Regina subsector and trying to move into Aramis. It does not cover the entire sector.

IIRC, the only sector-wide shipping line that we know of (other than megacorporations) is Al Morai. Unless there was one in Behind the Claw?

First quick observation, skills with specializations (except Trade) don't pick their specialization until level 1. Any level in the skill (except Trade) gives level 0 skill in all specializations.

My way of thinking of the rules is that it is a basic understanding of the base skill that is needed for all the specialties.

For example, think of something like Math as a Traveller skill and it has specialties Math (geometry), Math (algebra). If you have Math 0 skill then you would know basic math; addition, subtraction, multiplication and so on.
- Knowing basic Math gives the basics needed for the specialties but is not enough to get a whole skill level in them, so Math 0 implies Math (geometry) 0 and Math (algebra) 0.
- If someone learn geometry enough to have Math (geometry) 1, then it is implied that they have basic math skills and while not skilled at algebra, essentially have enough math skills to be Math (algebra) 0.

Back to Traveller examples:
Something like Drive (wheeled vehicle)-0 can just be noted as Drive 0 and the character has level 0 skill in tracked, wheeled and all Drive specializations, not just wheeled.
Cannon wise you are correct in both areas, that Oberlindes Lines is listed as just a Regina and Aramis subsectors only shipping line, and that the Hercules class Heavy merchant is an Akerut/Tukera shipping company design.
IMTU however Oberlindes Lines is by 1049 a Spinward Marches sector wide shipping line, looking to expand into neighbouring sectors. This is my way of explaining how in 1049 Oberlindes can afford to buy a 60,00 ton ship like the "Emissary". For a subsector level shipping fleet, such a purchase is far too large even at navy surplus prices. In 20th century Terra "wet navy" terms we are talking about a vessel larger than the Titanic or an Essex class aircraft carrier. Even in 2013 only the larger merchant fleets such as Maersk or Evergreen, would run a vessel of that size or larger.

Concerning the issue of the Hercules class heavy merchant vessel, IMTU this indeed starts as an Akerut/Tukera design, but ends up being copied by other shipping lines, such as Oberlindes. Such "reverse engineering" is difficult to stop, especially if ship builders outside of the Imperium are used. Unfortunately as many 21st century Terran companies can tell you, copying the market leader is common practice in many industries.

If you wish to use Federico Olivares in an cannon compliant universe, assume his career was with Akerut/Tukera, and that the rumour he started abut Anna Blanco concerned her moving to the ImperialLines or Al Morai. Federico is designed to be a Free Trader Captain looking for a crew for his Free Trader, or for any player characters looking to crew a Merchant ship but lacking ship shares to "buy" their own vessel.