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GT Starports What do you think?


SOC-14 1K
Thoughts about Starports?

If we look at big ship universes, small ship, etc... then starports can change dramatically. The amount of cargo going through these ports can be mindboggling. Certainly more than supported by the shipping discussed.

These ports seem better suited to the MT "biggest ship" 3I?

Mertacor starport examples of 60,00dton 8200 passengers per week. naval base capacities are even more amazing. LOL

Anyone come up with positives or negatives about this book in the past or their own specs? I see trade numbers, and other useful tools in the book.
I like the book, but never really got into crunching the trade/cargo/passenger numbers. I guess most of what I like about the book would qualify more as fluff - personnel assigned to a starport, what their duties are, what extrality means in different situations, cargo containers and handling, all that stuff. Stuff that gives me color I can use in describing a port to players, details I can use to make it seem more real.
I like the book, but never really got into crunching the trade/cargo/passenger numbers. I guess most of what I like about the book would qualify more as fluff - personnel assigned to a starport, what their duties are, what extrality means in different situations, cargo containers and handling, all that stuff. Stuff that gives me color I can use in describing a port to players, details I can use to make it seem more real.

It's very focused on large ship universes. I like that, but I'm also wondering if there are any blaring mistakes. I can see the bulk of material traffic leading to interesting adventures so I would not want to overlook it. Although ignoring GTisms might be helpful.