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General Has anyone read the Far Trader comic?

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
I'm looking at the Mongoose website, and I'm really thinking about getting the Far Trader comic.

But the pricetag is a bit high - $9.99 for the print comic.

I'm just wondering if anyone has read it and can comment on it's quality.
With just one issue out, it's probably too early to say. I got it as digital - it's not worth the price for print (as a comparison, 2000AD is about the same number of pages and costs £3.60 for print; the monthly Judge Dredd Megazine is 128 pages and costs £6.99).
In another thread, I discuss my thoughts about it. For the digital price of $2.00, which was a special yesterday, I thought it was worth it. I had actually thought I was buying a Traveller zine or supplement and didn't expect a comic! :) Plot is intriguing, dialogue is passable, art could be improved. I may have to wait for the next sale on issue #2.

I'm not a regular here, so not sure if the discussion should continue over there in that thread which is the in the News Feed Thread, or if that is reserved primarily for announcements and discussion should be moved to here.
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