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Initiative question

I've got a rule question. I was reading over the rules again and came across something I had overlooked previously. A character can add their Tactics(Military) skill to their initiative roll per page 77 and then on pg. 80 under Battlefield Comms it says that a character not in communication with the rest of the unit and commander can't benefit from Tactics(Military) nor Leadership. Does this apply to characters that have Tactics(Military) themselves or only the characters that do not have the skill and were relying on the leader for the initiative modifier?

I don't have a copy of the Clement Sector rules, but here's what the SRD says:

"Characters that have the Tactics skill may make a Tactics check and add the Effect of this check to the Initiative of everyone in their unit with whom they are in direct communication".

So my read on this is a character who is not in communication with the rest of their unit can benefit from their own Tactics expertise, but don't get any benefit from other Tactics skills in the unit.

I've got a rule question. I was reading over the rules again and came across something I had overlooked previously. A character can add their Tactics(Military) skill to their initiative roll per page 77 and then on pg. 80 under Battlefield Comms it says that a character not in communication with the rest of the unit and commander can't benefit from Tactics(Military) nor Leadership. Does this apply to characters that have Tactics(Military) themselves or only the characters that do not have the skill and were relying on the leader for the initiative modifier?


It would apply only to those who do not have the skill and were relying on the leader for the modifier.