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MGT Only: Jack Garrett ex Scout and Ship's Navigator

This character I created along with three others as the crew of a 200 ton Free Trade for a campaign set a few years after the Fourth Frontier war in the District Red 27 sub-sector, from the Mongoose Publishing Traveller Core Rule book. IMTU this sub-sector was in the Beyond Sector, but like the Five Sisters sub-sector in the Spinward Marches, a detached part of the Third Imperium.

The other three members of the crew were pilot and ship's captain Federico Olivares (see adventurer's submission dated March 22nd 2014), ships's Engineer James MacDonald, and steward Shunshi Fujimara. The details of these two characters will be added at a later date or time:

Jack Garrett, Human Male, age 38 planet of birth: Katzbalger/District Red 27 subsector
Scout Service (Survey Section) five terms, Senior Scout Characteristics: Strength 6 Dexterity 6 Endurance 7 Intellect 11 (+1 on dice roles) education 9 (+1 on dice rolls), social standing 4 (-1 on dice rolls)
Astrogation-2, Comms-1, Computers-0, gun combat -0, Jack of all Trades-1, Linguistics: Galactic Anglic, Portuguese (Azhi dialect), Life Sciences - 0, Mechanic-0, Medic-1, Navigation-1, Persuade-1, Pilot (spacecraft)-1, Pilot (small craft)-2, Sensors-1, Survival-0, Vacc Suit -1.

Ship shares on a Free Trader: 7, cash 100,000 credits.

Jack Garrett is 1.7 meters tall, of muscular build running slightly to fat, he has fair hair and a luxuriant beard and pony tail, grey eyes and a tanned weather-beaten appearance. Unless dressing to impress a woman he tends to ex-Scout service jump suits and mountain boots.

Jack was born on the rich, agricultural, garden world on Katzbalger; his parents were part of the semi-nomadic harvesting gangers, who collected the harvest on the De La Salle continent. His father maintained the harvesting machinery, while his mother negotiated with the farmers and the Agricultural mega corps who bought the crops. Although he saw most of the continent, Jack decided early on that “there had to something more interesting to life than this”. He found the more interesting bit at fourteen when he accompanied his mother to visit the orbital high port, while she negotiated with a cargo broker. There for the first time he saw star ships and traveler's who confirmed his suspicion that Katzbalger was “deader and duller than a cemetery”.

He decided there and then to do whatever it took to get off planet and see the galaxy. Graduating with excellent grades from High School, Jack decided to join the Scout Service mainly because “I thought it was safer than the Navy, and after seeing how they treated my Ma, I was sure not gonna join the Merchants”. Luckily there was a Scout base on Katzbalger, where he passed the admission test and was sent to the Scout Service Academy on Mora in the Spinward Marches for basic training.

On graduating from the Academy, Jack was assigned to the Survey Section, initially with the World Analysis wing, dealing with surveying planet’s animal and plant life to see if it could benefit or imperil any colonization effort. Jack’s first ship was the Donosev class survey ship “Marco Polo” in which in his first term he helped survey the rim ward/Spinward quarter of the Spinward Marches Sector. Mostly this involved piloting the ship’s cutter to and from orbit, and being unskilled help to the various zoologists and botanists on the survey team.

During his second term Jack was promoted to Medical Officer, which partly involved acting as Nurse to the Marco Polo’s crew, but also the more interesting task of testing plants and wildlife to see if they could infect humans, and seeing how Terran/Vilani germs mutated under new planetary conditions. It was while acting as Medical officer, Jack first ran into Federico Olivares (contact and or player character); when Jack arranged transfer of a badly injured fellow scout, to the sick bay of the Federico’s ship the “Platinum Princess Five”.

Jack Garrett's career Terms three to five.

During his third term Jack was transferred to the Quetzalcoatl class Scout Ship “Ricardo Miledi” where he served officially as Navigator, but also as assistant to the Scientists of the crew, surveying numerous worlds in the Foreven sector. One of these Scientist, Nara Leao (contact and ex-lover), he helped all the way into bed, and a happy relationship that lasted until she got a transfer to the Scout’s Exploration division.
The end of Jack’s relationship with Nara Leao , was slightly compensated for by a promotion, and transfer to the type L Laboratory ship “Isaac Newton”, where his duties mainly dealt with the ship’s sensors and communication systems, plus yet more time piloting the ship’s small craft between orbit and the surface. It was during Jack’s fourth term that the Fourth Frontier War broke out. Jack was transferred back to the Spinward Marches Sector and duty on a “militarised” scout acting as the eyes of the Imperial Navy. Jack was transferred to the Gishiash class Stealth Scout “Nathan Hale” where he served as Astrogator/Sensor Specialist. The ship’s job was to spy on the Zhondani Fleet without being spotted. For the first eighteen months everything went fine, then while the ship was in the Emerald system (Jewell subsector/Spinward Marches sector), monitoring the Zhondani occupation fleet she was spotted and attacked. Only some very quick work by Jack in jumping out of the system saved the ship from destruction. However of the five crew only Jack and the ship’s engineer, Katrina Leung, survived. While his ship was being repaired Jack first meet Lieutenant James MacDonald (contact and/or player character), who was charged by the Navy with repairing the “Nathan Hale”.
With the end of the Fourth Frontier War, Jack was awarded the Meritorious Conduct under Fire medal (MCUF), and promoted to Senior Scout. At the start of his fifth term Jack was given command of the Chiral class Laboratory ship “Henri Victor Regnault” while it did stellar analysis work in the Trojan Reaches Sector. Jack’s role was mainly piloting the ship, and as Scouts are an independent minded bunch, persuading the crew to do their jobs well. However the incident at Emerald, and the deaths of his old crewmates haunted Jack’ dreams. He realised the Scout service had more dangers than he had suspected, and to recover his love of exploring the stars he had to leave the Scout service, or go on detached duty as it’s called. As in the aftermath of the war, there were few S-class vessels available for detached Scouts, Jack gained a few ship shares and along with his friends, Ships Engineer James MacDonald and former Merchant Marine First Officer Federico Olivares, hopes to start a new career on a trading ship.